Single Multi-mission Attack Munition Smam Aerovironment

“This allows for a greater number of precision guided munitions to be used against the threat during a single attack. So not only do we reduce the number of attacks needed to accomplish a given. Multi Mission Vehicle Armament & Air Burst Munition for Expeditionary Warfare Force Protection. Conflict Management Dynamics Hot War-Three Block War. 4 Rounds (Single Shots) # of Plate Perforations = 4 Rds @ 135 Subprojectiles = 540 SP Total: 107 Plate Perforations ( 20%) 21 32 17.

  1. Single Multi-mission Attack Munition Smam Aerovironment 1
  2. Single Multi-mission Attack Munition Smam Aerovironment 2

Posts: 1238Registered: 11-5-2017Member Is OfflineLoitering MunitionsUVision unveils new Hero-400EC loitering munitionRobin Hughes, London - IHS Jane's Missiles & Rockets17 May 2017UVision has added the extended-range Hero-400EC loitering munition to its family of Hero loitering systems. Posts: 1238Registered: 11-5-2017Member Is OfflineElbit's SkyStriker to make Paris air show debut13 June, 2017 SOURCE: BY: Arie Egozi Tel AvivElbit Systems will use the Paris air show to display its new SkyStriker loitering weapon system, which is believed to be the first member of a familyof such products.The SkyStriker is able to locate, acquire and attack targets with high precision, with an operator using its electro-optical/infrared seeker toidentify threats. According to Elbit, its electric propulsion system provides a low acoustic signature and enables covert low-altitude operations.Offering a flight endurance of up to 2h, the SkyStriker has a maximum take-off weight of 35kg (77lb), including a warhead of between 5kg and 10kg,depending on mission type.Arie Egozi/FlightGlobalElbit says the design can engage targets from a variety of angles, while an operator will be able to abort a strike as little as 2s prior to impact,before re-engaging other authorised threats or returning to a recovery point. The air vehicle lands using a parachute and airbag.Describing the loitering weapon system as a force-multiplier for tactical units, Elad Aharonson, general manager of Elbit's ISTAR division, saysSkyStriker 'allows them to perform precise missions without putting them in harm's way”. Posts: 1238Registered: 11-5-2017Member Is OfflineParis Air Show: SkyStriker makes debut19th June 2017 - 18:00by Helen Haxell in ParisElbit Systems is showcasing its autonomous loitering munitions system known as the SkyStriker at Paris Air Show this week.The SkyStriker can be utilised for covert and precise airstrikes. It is a combination of smart guided munitions with the capabilities of an armamentsystem in the form of a UAV.The electrically-propelled system can be used to fly out to a mission area 40km away from where it was launched by a catapult. SkyStriker can look fortargets up to two hours within the mission area and with its electrical propeller it can perform covert operations.Danny Israeli, VP of business development and strategy at Elbit Systems, commented to Shephard that the operator can hone in on the target withprecision utilising an EO/IR gimbal regardless of time of day.‘If the operator on the ground sees a target that fits the requirement of his mission, he can point the system to the target.

He’s looking fortargets of course with a day and night payload of high performance. Once he identifies a target which is valid then can he can perform an attack onthis target.’The SkyStriker has the capacity to abort the mission up to two seconds from impact.

Furthermore, when this action is taken it allows the operator toreturn the system home or scour the area further dependent on the mission requirements.In addition, Israeli explained that the system is able to carry munitions of up to 10kg within its modular warhead bay. He said further thatSkystriker has over two-hour mission endurance.Customers for the Skystriker are already lined up so it is already going into production. Israeli noted that a large quantity order of Skystriker hasbeen received; the first customer contract will see deliveries take place next year into 2019. He would not divulge further details on the firstcustomer.The company has conducted a number of strike qualifications Israeli confirmed.

Its remote operation and capability reduces operators’ exposure todetection or enemy fire while guiding the SkyStriker to its target. Posts: 1238Registered: 11-5-2017Member Is OfflineGREEN DRAGON NavalisedRecently, the tactical land version of the GREEN DRAGON was successfully demonstrated in a series of trials in a full operational scenario end toend.Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) introduces a new application of its GREEN DRAGON Loitering Munition. In order to address a requirements of the navalarena, adjustments to the system's canister and communication antenna were made, thereby making it launchable from naval vessels.The GREEN DRAGON is a tactical, low-cost solution, designed to provide significant situational awareness and firepower in a compact envelope to CombatShips, Offshore Patrol Vessels and Patrol Boats.

It is a silent, all electric Electro-Optically guided munition with 90 minutes of loitering time,during which its operator can collect visual intelligence of surrounding area areas – especially in congested waters and shore targets, in a rangeof up to 40 kilometres. The Loitering Munition can provide ISR service to the launching platforms, then surveys, locates, acquires and finallydestroys operator selected target. GREEN DRAGON can carry an up to 3kg warhead with extremely high accuracy, according to the commpany.The GREEN DRAGON is launched by a small rocket assist motor from a sealed, marine approved canister – quickly clearing the ship’s deck area. Asmany as 12 units can be carried even on a small vessel and launched upon request. The operator uses a small, tablet-sized control panel and a tacticallow-power data-link to operate and control the weapon.

The GREEN DRAGON has a built-in 'abort and go around' capability to prevent unnecessarycollateral damage and mistaken targeting. Posts: 14411Registered: 13-8-2017Location: PerthMember Is OfflineMBDA revives Fire Shadow for Polish LM requirementRobin Hughes - IHS Jane's Missiles & Rockets15 September 2017European missile house MBDA has resurrected its Fire Shadow weapon system to potentially address the requirements of a Polish request for information(RfI) relating to the acquisition of a loitering munition (LM) capability.Scale model of the MBDA Fire Shadow loitering munition displayed at the MSPO exhibition in Kielce, Poland in early September 2017. (RobinHughes)The Fire Shadow indirect fire precision attack weapon was originally developed for the British Army under a development contract placed on MBDA inearly 2009. Initial test firings of the system (flight, navigation, and control systems) were conducted at the Vidsel Test Range in Sweden in November2010; this was followed by a second series of tests in May 2011. Posts: 14411Registered: 13-8-2017Location: PerthMember Is OfflineSuicide drone provides lethal punch for special operations forcesBy: Shawn Snow 12 hours agoMistral's Hero 30 drone carries an anti-personnel warhead and weighs less than 20 lbs. The Hero 120 packs an anti-tank warhead. The drones arepneumatic launched.

(Shawn Snow/Staff)Mistral’s Uvision drones are light, man-packable and come armed with a warhead, giving U.S. Special operations forces added lethality in areas wheresupport by conventional forces may be limited or non-existent, according to Yossi Gez, the vice president of marketing for Mistral Inc.The drones come in two variants, the smaller Hero 30 and larger Hero 120, both of which operate on pneumatic launch capability, or air pressure.The Hero 30 weighs under 20 pounds and has a loiter time of 30 minutes. The small tactical drone comes with an anti-personnel warhead that is alsocapable of destroying small light-skinned vehicles, according to Gez.The drones can also be mounted on trucks. A forward-deployed recon team could pack 10 of these on a vehicle and launch them all at once to “clearthe way” of enemy forces, Gez said.Mistral offers a larger variant of the Hero 30 for operations in more advanced countries, where enemy forces may have tanks and larger or moresophisticated weaponry.The Hero 120 has a one hour loiter time and weighs less than an FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile.

The drone packs a larger warhead for destroyingup-armored vehicles and tanks, according to Gez.Both drones operate with the same controller and have day-night capabilities. The drones have an added feature that allows for handover of control.Meaning, a small outpost could launch the drone towards a recon team operating outside the base, and hand over control of the drone to the team on theground.The Uvision also works in GPS constrained environments, and operators need only to navigate the terrain to strike enemy forces with pinpointprecision, according to Gez.Army Special Forces has already put the Uvision through extensive testing and is heavily interested in the Uvision system, Gez said.

Posts: 14411Registered: 13-8-2017Location: PerthMember Is OfflineCheZaRa and WB Group jointly introducing Sokil strike UAV systemPosted On Thursday, 12 October 2017 16:19At Arms and Security 2017, the Ukrainian company CheZaRa introduced a new strike drone system jointly developed with the Polish armament group WBGroup. The 'Sokil' reconnaissance and strike system is designed to perform surveillance, detection, tracking and destruction of ground-based targets.The Sokil strike drone system mainly relies on WB Electronics' Warmate UASThe Sokil main task is to provide strike support to troops patrolling on the ground, or performing reconnaissance, anti-terror operations or any othermilitary/security missions.Sokil can performs missions in day/night conditions. It works as a system involving at least one reconnaissance vehicle and three strike vehicles, allbased on Practika's Kozak-2M 4x4 specialized armoured vehicle, which provides excellent mobility and flexibility.The Sokil uses modern C2 platform ensuring digital, integrated data transmission, automatic target tracking day/night using thermal imaging camera.A Sokil's strike vehicleThe reconnaissance vehicle is operated by a crew of five: commander, driver, UAV operator, weapon station operator and analyst. Each vehicle carry upto three FlyEye UAVs, developed by WB Electronics, a subsidiay of WB Group. The FlyEye has been deployed in combat operations since March 2015. Italready performed more than 1,000 flight hours, detecting and controled over 700 group and individual targets.The strike vehicle is operated by a crew of four: commander, driver, UAV operator and weapon station operator.

Besides portable radio station, GCS,generator and telescopic antenna, the vehicle carry up to 20 WB Electronics' Warmate single-use strike UAV as well as 40 warheads. Licensed-producedin Ukraine by CheZaRa, the Warmate has an operating range of 10 km, a flight endurance of 30 min and a maximum speed of 150 km/h. It can be armed withfour types of warheads: High-Explosive, Cumulative, Blast-Fragmentation, and Incendiary warheads. Posts: 14411Registered: 13-8-2017Location: PerthMember Is OfflineUVision, Firstec sign South Korea agreement20th October 2017 - 01:10 GMT by The Shephard News TeamUVision Air has signed a follow-on agreement with South Korea’s Firstec for the marketing and supply of its loitering munition systems, the companyannounced on 18 October.The agreement will see the short-range Hero 30 system marketed in South Korea by Firstec. According to UVision, South Korea has a current requirementfor loitering munitions.The Hero 30 is a smart loitering system designed to deliver short-range pinpoint strikes in remote locations, or in populated urban areas where faststrike and the need to minimise collateral damage are key. The system offers high-speed transit flight and low-speed loitering with the ability tostrike moving targets. The system can also be configured for ISR as a platform for gathering intelligence.Yong Woo Jeon, CEO and president of Firstec, said: ‘This agreement will allow Firstec to boost its effort to become a total solution provider inKorea for defence and unmanned systems.

We hope that this agreement will lead to expanded cooperation with the South Korean security market andfurther the country’s technological and defence capabilities.’. Posts: 14411Registered: 13-8-2017Location: PerthMember Is OfflineTurkish special forces receive loitering munitionsJames Bingham - Jane's Defence Weekly13 December 2017Kargu is one of two loitering munitions being delivered to Turkish special forces. Source: IHS Markit/James BinghamTurkey’s special forces have received a first batch of loitering munitions, Jane's has learned at the Gulf Defence & Aerospace exhibition inKuwait City.The two types of loitering munitions, both developed by the country’s STM, were delivered two months ago for training purposes. They will befollowed by a larger batch for fielding in early 2018.The first of the two loitering munition types is the Alpagu, a fixed-wing, pneumatically tube-launched design similar in appearance to theAeroVironment Switchblade. The second is the Kargu, a quadcopter design.

Both use a fragmentation high explosive charge, but representatives of STMtold Jane’s that feedback from users has prompted the development of a thermobaric warhead.Additionally, the two UAVs share a common computer imaging-based targeting system, designed to use machine learning to optimise target classification,tracking, and attack capabilities without the requirement for a GPS connection. Both have a range of 5 km, an endurance of approximately 10 minutes,and a deployment time of 45 seconds.(188 of 234 words). Posts: 14411Registered: 13-8-2017Location: PerthMember Is OfflinePolish Armed Forces Take Delivery of Warmate Loitering MunitionsPUBLISHED AT: Wednesday, 27 December 2017, 16:50Image Credit: WB GroupDEFENCE 24kontakt@defence24.plWB Group announced that the first lot of Warmate loitering munitions has already been delivered to the Polish military. In total, the Polish Ministryof Defence has decided to acquire 1000 platforms of the type.On 19th December. The first Warmate loitering munitions systems have been delivered to the Regional Logistics Base, in line with the provisions of theagreement concluded on 20th November – the WB Group announced. Following this procedure, the systems are going to be received by the NIL militaryunit, where they would be used to develop training procedures and tactics, as the armament procured is a completely new solution to the Polishmilitary.The equipment received by the Polish Armed Forces constitutes the first lot of 1000 Warmate UAVs ordered by the Polish Ministry of Defence led byAntoni Macierewicz. More deliveries are planned to happen next year.

PLN 100 million order cost is associated with procurement of 100 packages (1000units).Warmate armament system utilizes UAVs fitted with warheads.The warheads may vary, depending on mission of the given UAV. The available selection includes anti-tank (for acting against light armour),fragmentation (for acting against enemy soldiers) or thermobaric (for acting against fortifications) warheads.Image Credit: R. Surdacki/ as such are only manufactured only in a few countries around the world. The United States of America and Israel both remain in possession oftechnologies required to create loitering munitions. The aforesaid states have recently been joined by Poland. The Polish solution has already beenproven by the user in actual combat, as the UAV in question has been acquired by several foreign customers too.

One of the NATO member states is alsoutilizing the aforesaid solution.The manufacturer claims that Warmates may be used at distances exceeding 10 kilometres, offering flight endurance of more than 30 minutes. Operationalceiling for the system has been defined as 30-200 metres, while maximum altitude at which the system may fly is 500 metres.

However, this performanceis available if the UAV is used at altitudes of no more than 3 kilometres above the sea level. Top speed of the system is 150 kph.“Precision-guided loitering munitions make it possible to provide PGM’s at low levels - for infantry squads or platoons - that remain capable ofacting against light armoured targets or even APCs at vast distances. Thus they provide a higher level of safety for our operators” – stated AdamBartosiewicz, WB Electronics VP.


Posts: 14411Registered: 13-8-2017Location: PerthMember Is OfflineUVision Has Successfully Demonstrated the Hero-400EC Extended-Range Loitering System for a Strategic Customer(Source: UVision; issued Jan 09, 2018)UVision says the latest trials demonstrated the accuracy of its Hero-400EC, which is seen here flying through a simulated window to hit itstarget. (UVision photo)ZUR IGAL, Israel - UVision Air Ltd. Has successfully demonstrated the Hero-400EC extended-range loitering system for a strategic customer.

Thedemonstration, which took place in southern Israel in December 2017, proved the tracking and lock-on capabilities of the system using a moving vehicleand a human target in various operational scenarios as well as its mission-abort capabilities. The ability to strike a target with exceptionalprecision was also demonstrated.According to Noam Levitt, CEO of UVision, “The demonstration we recently carried out for a strategic customer proved the remarkable capabilities ofour Hero-400EC system.

This system incorporates a high level of both precision attack and ISR capabilities. The system is simple to operate and allowsfield forces to quickly respond with the ability to eliminate any immediate threat that arises.”The Hero-400EC features a new electric motor that delivers high-speed transit and low-speed loitering with much lower acoustic and thermal signatures,thus improving stealth. The unique aerodynamic cruciform design delivers high precision terminal engagement accuracy against static and moving targetsor targets in confined urban environments, thus reducing collateral damage.The Hero-400EC is optimized for the loitering munition role, where the deployable wings allow for any angle of attack, and delivers missile-levelpinpoint strike capabilities. The multi-purpose, 10kg warhead (tandem, high explosive) allows engagement of a broad range of targets, includingfortified positions and main battle tanks.The system is 2.1 meters in length, has a wing-span (tip-to-tip) of 2.4 meters, and has a maximum take-off weight of 40kg. The 400EC retains astabilized electro-optic/infrared (EO/IR) payload, a line-of-sight two-way data link with a range of 40km-150km, a man-in-the-loop capability, andtwo-hour endurance. An advanced abort capability enables automatic re-entry into the loitering mode, mission re-assignment or return to the recoveryarea using a parachute.

Operational altitude is 18,000ft with loitering/transit speeds of 50-150kts.Controlled by a single operator, the Hero-400EC can be either rail-launched or launched from a modular multi-tube canister which can be integrated onthe user’s platform of choice.Mr. Levitt added, “There are a number of tenders and programs for precise long-range loitering munitions systems and we are confident that oursystem, which is a leader in its category with proven high-level capabilities, will be a serious competitor.”About the HERO Family of Loitering Munitions SystemsThe HERO family includes eight systems designed for assorted tasks at various ranges. HERO systems enable high-speed transit flight and low-speedloitering, depending on the tactical or strategic needs of the mission – handling moving targets, moving light-duty vehicles, tanks, and otherstrategic objectives.

The HERO systems may be provided in the ISR configuration, enabling the use of the platform as a means for gatheringintelligence – or as a missile, enabling precision attacks on targets, using warheads of various types and weights.The HERO family can carry out pinpoint strikes in urban areas or remote locations, with minimal collateral damage. In cases where an attack isaborted, HERO systems can be recalled and another target selected. With extremely low noise and thermal signature, these systems integrate highlyadvanced stabilized Electro-Optics day/night cameras and are ideal for deployment from air, land and sea.UVision designs, develops and manufactures smart, innovative, cost-effective, lethal aerial loitering systems for customers worldwide. UVisiondelivers highly innovative loitering systems based on unique aerodynamic platform configurations that meet the requirements of today’s newbattlefield doctrines for combat operations in complex, dynamic environments.-ends. Posts: 14411Registered: 13-8-2017Location: PerthMember Is OfflineA bit more on this.UVision has demonstrated Israeli Hero-400EC loitering munitionPosted On Wednesday, 10 January 2018 10:05According a press release of January 8, 2018, Israeli Company UVision Air Ltd, a global pioneer of lethal aerial loitering systems of all sizes, hassuccessfully demonstrated the Hero-400EC extended-range loitering system for a strategic customer.

The demonstration, which took place in southernIsrael in December 2017, proved the tracking and lock-on capabilities of the system using a moving vehicle and a human target in various operationalscenarios as well as its mission-abort capabilities. The ability to strike a target with exceptional precision was also demonstrated.Video Print Screen of UVision Hero-400EC Extended-Range Loitering System during the demonstration for strategic customer (Picture sourceYouTube)According to Noam Levitt, CEO of UVision, “The demonstration we recently carried out for a strategic customer proved the remarkable capabilities ofour Hero-400EC system. This system incorporates a high level of both precision attack and ISR capabilities.


Single Multi-mission Attack Munition Smam Aerovironment 1

The system is simple to operate and allowsfield forces to quickly respond with the ability to eliminate any immediate threat that arises.”The Hero-400EC features a new electric motor that delivers high-speed transit and low-speed loitering with much lower acoustic and thermal signatures,thus improving stealth. The unique aerodynamic cruciform design delivers high precision terminal engagement accuracy against static and moving targetsor targets in confined urban environments, thus reducing collateral damage.The Hero-400EC is optimized for the loitering munition role, where the deployable wings allow for any angle of attack, and delivers missile-levelpinpoint strike capabilities.

The multi-purpose, 10kg warhead (tandem, high explosive) allows engagement of a broad range of targets, includingfortified positions and main battle tanks.The system is 2.1 meters in length, has a wing-span (tip-to-tip) of 2.4 meters, and has a maximum take-off weight of 40kg. The 400EC retains astabilized electro-optic/infrared (EO/IR) payload, a line-of-sight two-way data link with a range of 40km-150km, a man-in-the-loop capability, andtwo-hour endurance. An advanced abort capability enables automatic re-entry into the loitering mode, mission re-assignment or return to the recoveryarea using a parachute. Operational altitude is 18,000ft with loitering/transit speeds of 50-150kts.Controlled by a single operator, the Hero-400EC can be either rail-launched or launched from a modular multitube canister which can be integrated onthe user’s platform of choice.Mr. Levitt added, “There are a number of tenders and programs for precise long-range loitering munitions systems and we are confident that oursystem, which is a leader in its category with proven high-level capabilities, will be a serious competitor.”. Posts: 14411Registered: 13-8-2017Location: PerthMember Is OfflineAeroVironment demonstrates drone guiding missile attack12 April, 2018 SOURCE: BY: Garrett ReimAeroVironment demonstrated the ability to use an unmanned aerial vehicle’s camera and sensors to automatically guide a missile drone into afast-moving unmanned boat.During the simulated attack, a Puma UAV was able to find, identify and direct a counterattack against a target boat using a Switchblade missile dronearmed with a dummy warhead, AeroVironment said on 9 April.

The Switchblade was launched from a US Navy Coastal Riverine Craft, a small, armed boatused in shallow waters or rivers, on an undisclosed date.The ability to coordinate an attack using the camera and sensor feeds from Puma and Switchblade drones simultaneously gives operators more situationalawareness and reduces the chances of accidentally hitting civilians or friendly forces, AeroVironment said. The company touted the ability to wave offthe Switchblade should the possibility of collateral damage arise.“Our sensor-to-shooter solution greatly enhances Switchblade’s capability to positively identify targets and reduce engagement timelines byperforming target identification and location functions prior to launch,” said Rick Pedigo, vice-president of AeroVironment’s tactical missilesystems business. “By continuously updating the target location throughout the engagement, S2S significantly reduces the Switchblade operator’sworkload.”The sensor-to-shooter system incorporates AeroViroment’s drones, a ruggedised laptop with S2S software, a digital data link module and a gainantenna. Switchblade systems already received by customers can be upgraded with the S2S capability, AeroVironment said.Future enhancements will include a multi-pack launcher that holds up to six Switchblade munitions and software that allows operators to controlmultiple air vehicles simultaneously, AeroVironment. S2S currently is a prototype with plans for product release in the fall of 2018. Posts: 14411Registered: 13-8-2017Location: PerthMember Is OfflineUkrspecsystems unveils RAM UAV loitering munitionAkshara Parakala, Chennai - IHS Jane's Missiles & Rockets16 April 2018Ukrspecsystems, a Ukrainian company specialising in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) development, unveiled its latest RAM UAV/loitering munition atDefexpo 2018 held in Chennai from 11–14 April.Ukraine’s Ukrspecsystems has developed the RAM UAV loitering munition, which carries a 3 kg warhead.

Posts: 14411Registered: 13-8-2017Location: PerthMember Is OfflineFirst Warmate operators trained for Polish armyKrzysztof Kuska, Poznan - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly01 May 2018The first Polish operators of the recently introduced Warmate loitering munition system were trained and certified by specialists from itsmanufacturer, WB Electronics, on 25-26 April.Five of the first nine are from the Territorial Defence Forces (Wojska Obrony Terytorialnej; WOT), which is being expanded with the formation of newunits over the next few years. The system will also be used by special operations forces and regular army units.(94 of 96 words). Posts: 14411Registered: 13-8-2017Location: PerthMember Is OfflineChina defense industry presents CH-901 suicide drone at SOFEX 2018Posted On Wednesday, 09 May 2018 19:05China Aerospace Long-March International presents its CH-901 suicide UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) system at SOFEX 2018, the International SpecialOperations Forces Exhibition and Conference in Amman, Jordan. The CH-901 can be used to perform a wide range of missions including reconnaissance,attacks or destroy specific targets.Chinese-made suicide drone CH-901 at SOFEX 2018, Special Operations Forces Exhibition and Conference (SOFEX) held in Amman, Jordan. (Picturesource Army Recognition)The CH-901 suicide drone is intended to combine the advantages of a drone and a bomb and can hover for 40 minutes before swooping down on a target.

Itcan be used by Special Forces during counter-terrorism operations.The CH-901 China is a portable killer drone which has a weight of 9 kg and can be easily carried by a single soldier and launch from the field totrack down and attack opponents.The CH-901 suicide drone can be fitted with warheads or camera to perform reconnaissance missions and located enemy positions. The CH-901 can fly at aspeed from 7 to 120 km/h with a range of 10 km and, loaded with explosive warhead the drone can penetrate light armored vehicles.The CH-901 can be armed with a fragmentation charge or a shaped charge warhead capable of penetrating 10 cm of armor and destroying tanks and lightarmored vehicles. The CH-901 is able to detect targets at a range of more than 1.5 km from an altitude of 450 m.The CH-901 is launched from a container and can be ready to use in less than 3 minutes.

All three variants of the F-35 Lightning II continue on a path toward full weapons certification by successfully completing numerous milestones during the previous four months. Highlights included validating 2B weapons software and successfully executing several weapons separation and engagement tests. The most recent accomplishments are in support of the first military service Initial Operational Capability (IOC) declaration by the U.S.

Marine Corps in July. An F-35A, at Edwards AFB, California, is pictured with its F-35 Systems Development and Demonstration Weapons Suite the aircraft is designed to carry. The F-35 can carry more than 35-hundred pounds of ordinance in Low Observable (stealth) mode and over 18-thousand pounds uncontested (Lockheed Martin Photo by Matt Short)The program also surpassed 25,000 combined flight hours in December with F-35 military fleet aircraft (16,200 hours) nearly doubling the System Development and Demonstration (SDD) test aircraft (8,950) hours. Comprehensive flight test on the F-35A variant GAU-22 25-mm gun system is scheduled to begin mid-year at Edwards AFB, California, and will include ground fire tests, muzzle calibration, flight test integration and in-flight operational tests. The 25-mm missionized gun pod carried externally, centerline mounted on the F-35B and F-35C also begins testing this year to meet U.S.

Service’s desired schedule for full warfighting capability software known as 3F. The 3F software is currently planned for delivery with the Low Rate Initial Production 9 (LRIP 9) U.S. Aircraft in 2017.«The weapons development program continues to track forward on the plan laid out by the Technical Baseline Review approved in 2010», said Lt. Chris Bogdan, F-35 Program Executive Officer. «All weapons tests needed for 2B software, the software the U.S. Marine Corps will use to declare IOC, is complete and will be ready to go for their combat capability certification». F-35 Weapons StationsSpecific F-35 Flight Test accomplishments during the past four months include:.

First F-35 day and night Mission Effectiveness Close Air Support (CAS) flights completing 2B CAS testing (October 21). Completion of live fire testing on an F-35B ground test article.

According to Tim Kelly and Nobuhiro Kubo, Reuter’s correspondents, Japan is asking Britain to buy its Kawasaki P-1 submarine-hunting jet in a deal that could top $1 billion, a major step in Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s push to arms exports after decades of self-imposed restrictions. Kawasaki P-1 is equipped with a magnetic anomaly detector housed in its rear «sting», which the US Navy dropped from its Boeing P-8 for cost reasons and which is of huge importance for anti-submarine missionsMeanwhile, Britain has not formally decided it will buy new maritime patrol planes, having canceled an order for nine built by BAE Systems in 2010 due to delays and cost over-runs, and the P-1, made by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, would face stiff competition from Boeing’s P-8 Poseidon, the three sources told Reuters. Japanese officials raised the issue of London buying the P-1 to replace the British-made Hawker Siddeley Nimrod, which was retired in 2011, when they met their UK counterparts to discuss defense-equipment cooperation at the Farnborough Air Show near London in July, the sources said.After Abe eased curbs on military exports in April 2014, his Defense Ministry has been looking to tap foreign markets for its cocooned weapons makers, including potential deals to sell the new submarines to Australia and the ShinMaywa seaplanes to India. A Kawasaki P-1 sale to Britain would be Japan’s first major military deal outside the Asia-Pacific region. Abe wants Japan’s defense suppliers to move into the global arms market through tie-ups that will help bring down procurement costs and strengthen the nation’s military to counter China’s growing military might.Even if Britain does not buy, the P-1 could benefit from being treated as a genuine contender. «If the UK gives it serious consideration, then the P-1 will garner attention internationally», one Japanese source said.

«It has potential customers beyond the UK, like New Zealand, Norway and Canada, with large maritime areas», said UK consultant Simon Chelton, a former BAE Systems Plc executive and defense attache at the British Embassy in Tokyo. Kawasaki P-1 is handicapped by the high fuel consumption of its four jet engines, where maritime patrol aircraft generally have two turbofans (Boeing P-8) or two or four turbopropsSenior Japanese and UK officials will have a chance to discuss the idea at a strategic dialogue in London organized by independent British and Japanese think-tanks. The P-1, designed to patrol Japan’s territorial waters from the Pacific to the East China Sea, where Beijing claims small islands held by Tokyo, will be the country’s principal sub hunter for decades to come.Japan’s navy plans to buy around 20, costing about 20 billion yen ($170 million) each, over the next five years, though cracks in the fuselage and wing and engine problems have delayed its entry into service. No announcement from Britain of any replacement for the Nimrod, which tracked Soviet undersea activity during the Cold War, is expected before May’s general election.Its least risky option could be the Boeing P-8, already built and operated by the United States, the closest ally to both Britain and Japan, the sources said.

Deployed by the U.S. Navy last year, the first squadron armed with torpedoes and anti-ship missiles operates from Okinawa in southwestern Japan near China.

Boeing officials in Tokyo were unavailable for comment. With its four engines P-1 is probably operational over-kill for British requirementsIn its most recent order in February, the U.S. Navy said it would buy 16 additional P-8s at a cost of $150 million each. If Japan can offer a P-1 variant tailored for the British military that is competitive on price and capability, it could represent a viable alternative. Jointly building a P-1 that taps into Britain’s experience building the Nimrod would allow London to retain rights over radar and sensing technology it would lose by buying a U.S. Aircraft regulated by the Pentagon, one source said.

Last year Japan and Britain agreed on a deal that will see Mitsubishi Electric Corp partner with European missile maker MBDA to develop a medium-range air-to-air missile for the F-35 stealth fighter, which both countries plan to deploy. It is said in the Defense News, the gun on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter remains on schedule to go operational in 2017. The Daily Beast reported on December 31, 2014 that the gun would not be able to be used until 2019, but in a statement F-35 joint program office spokesman Joe DellaVedova described that story as a «misreporting» of the facts. F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)The gun in question is a 25-mm system known as the GAU-22, developed by General Dynamics. It is internal on the F-35A model and carried in an external pod of the F-35B and F-35C designs. GAU-22 testing for all three models is scheduled to start this year. Since 2005, DellaVedova said, the GAU-22 was planned to go operational with the block 3F software.

That software is scheduled to go online in 2017, with Low-Rate Initial Production lot 9.«Delivering the gun capability in the block 3F software is well known to the military services, International Partners and our Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customers», DellaVedova said. «That has always been the stated requirement and plan and it hasn’t varied since the technical baseline review in 2010». DellaVedova did acknowledge a «minor low-level issue» with the gun’s software, but said that issue was identified as part of testing and would be resolved by spring of 2015, without affecting the timetable for the gun’s fielding.While the gun is currently on schedule, that does leave a gap between when the first Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II squadrons go operational and when the gun can be used. Thus, the F-35B jump-jet variant is scheduled to go operational for the Marines in mid-2015, while the F-35A conventional take-off and landing model will go operational for the Air Force in the fall of 2016.

The Navy’s carrier variant F-35C is scheduled to go operational in 2018, with a more up-to-date software package. GAU-22 testing for all three models is scheduled to start this yearIn the meantime, the F-35 will conduct Close-Air Support (CAS) operations with a mix of air-to-ground precision weapons, including the AMRAAM (Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile), JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition) and GBU-12 (Guided Bomb Unit).Major Gen. Jay Silveria, who commands the USAF Warfare Center at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, and is developing tactics for the jet, told reporters in a December 2014 interview that the plane will rely much more on its Precision Guided Munitions (PGMs) than the gun for close air support. «I think, so far, it looks like the PGMs will be more useful in the CAS role», Silveria said, before noting «we have not really completed all of the operational testing on the CAS».F-35 Lightning II 25mm Gun SystemGeneral Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems has been awarded a system development and demonstration contract by Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company to design, produce and integrate the gun systems for the F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter.GD-OTS is devel­oping the GAU-22/A for the internal and external gun systems based on a derivative of its GAU-12/U 25-mm Gatling gun. An internally mounted gun system will arm the F-35A Conventional TakeOff and Landing aircraft variant and a removable or «missionized» externally mounted gun system will arm the F-35B Short TakeOff and Vertical Landing and F-35C Carrier-Based aircraft variants.Internal Gun SystemThe F-35A Lightning II gun system will include the GAU-22/A derivative gun; a linear linkless ammunition feed system, a gun system control unit and a 4,000-pounds-per-square-inch hydraulic drive assembly. CTOL (Conventional TakeOff and Landing) Gun SystemExternal Gun SystemThe «missionized» gun system designed for the F-35B and F-35C will be hard-mounted to the cen­terline station of the aircraft.

This gun system will include the CTOL-common GAU-22/A derivative gun, a gun system control unit and drive assembly, and a helical linear linkless ammunition feed system contained in a conformal pod. The MC-130J Commando II is replacing the retiring MC-130P Combat Shadow assigned to the 353rd SOG’s 17th Special Operations Squadron. The newest aircraft touched down at Kadena Air Base, Japan after a flight across the Pacific to its new home (Source: US Air Force). The MC-130J is a special operations versatile multi-mission tactical airlifter«The Commando II represents a giant leap forward for specialized air mobility», said Major Michael Perry, 17th SOS assistant operations officer.

«The MC-130J can carry more, further and faster than any of its predecessors».According to, Special operations began using the Combat Shadow in the mid-1980s, conducting air-refueling missions during Operation Just Cause in Panama and in the 1990s during Operation Desert Storm. In the Pacific region, the Combat Shadow aircrafts have supported more than a dozen named operations, from Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom to humanitarian assistance disaster relief operations.«The MC-130J is part of Air Force Special Operations Command’s fleet-wide C-130 recapitalization», said Major Matthew Bartlett, 17th SOS operations officer.

The recapitalization began in 2011 with the first MC-130J delivery to Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico, in conjunction with the progressive retirements of the MC-130E, AC-130H and MC-130P fleets. The AC-130U, AC-130W and MC-130H are all eventually scheduled to be replaced by Lockheed Martin C-130J aircraft. «The J-model aircraft will be executing the same missions as their predecessors», said Bartlett. «The newer airframes, with their increased efficiency and fleet-common technology, will reduce operational costs to the Air Force».Perry said the technology sets new standards for safety and accuracy in executing their specialized airdrop, low-level, infiltration and exfiltration, and helicopter/tilt-rotor aerial refueling missions. «We are all excited about the increased capability this brings to our SOF partners as we carry on the 17th SOS legacy of ‘No Mission Too Demanding,’» Perry said.

Formerly known as the Combat Shadow II, it delivers increased combat performance to the warfighter with its more powerful engines and MC-130J-unique featuresMC-130J Commando II MissionThe MC-130J Commando II (formerly known as the Combat Shadow II) flies clandestine, or low visibility, single or multiship, low-level air refueling missions for special operations helicopters and tiltrotor aircraft, and infiltration, exfiltration, and resupply of Special Operations Forces (SOF) by airdrop or airland intruding politically sensitive or hostile territories. The MC-130J Commando II primarily flies missions at night to reduce probability of visual acquisition and intercept by airborne threats. NATO has rotated its air policing mission in the Baltic with the Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare Italiana – AMI) assuming the lead on 2 January, said Gareth Jennings, Jane’s Defence Weekly reporter.

Typhoon in multi-role fit with Brimstone missile and Paveway IVFor the next four months, 4 AMI Eurofighter Typhoons will lead the mission out of Siauliai Airbase in Lithuania. These will be supported at the same location by 4 Polish MiG-29 Fulcrum fighters, as well as by 4 Spanish Typhoons at Amari Airbase in Estonia and 4 Belgian Lockheed Martin F-16s at Malbork in Poland.This ‘enhanced’ Baltic Air Policing Mission was stood up in May 2014 in response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the crisis with Ukraine, and will continue through to at least the end of 2015. During a recent visit to Amari Airbase, the commander of the German detachment based there from September through to January told reporters that Russian Air Force activity in the region had been at an unprecedented high.

In the four months that it was assigned to the mission, the German Air Force flew some 255 sorties, which was far more than previously the case before the current tensions with Russia. Typhoon with MeteorAccording to NATO, aside from raising tensions, this increased air activity is posing a danger to commercial air traffic as Russian aircraft are invariably flying without flight plans or even transponder, and are not communicating with Air Traffic Control (ATC). To try to mitigate this increased risk, military authorities in Estonia and Finland are now sharing their primary radar data with civilian ATC operators.The Baltic Air Policing Mission began in 2004 as a temporary measure to safeguard the airspace of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania until they developed their own air defence capabilities. However, in 2012 the alliance declared the mission to be permanent. According to Jaroslaw Adamowski, correspondent, Poland’s Ministry of Defense has obtained three offers in its much-awaited tender to acquire some 70 new helicopters for the country’s armed forces.

The bidders include:. Airbus Helicopters;. Sikorsky;. PZL-Swidnik – a Poland-based subsidiary of AgustaWestland.Airbus Helicopters EC-725 Caracal (also named Super Cougar)«The next phase of the tender will be to perform an analysis of the submitted documents by the commission which is carrying out this procedure, and to select the best offer and test the helicopter», Col.

Jacek Sonta, the spokesperson for the Defense Ministry, said in a statement.A consortium led by Airbus Helicopters is offering the EC-725, while Sikorsky wants to supply its S70i Black Hawk, and AgustaWestland is offering the AW-149.The Airbus Helicopters EC-725 Caracal (also named Super Cougar) is a long-range tactical transport helicopter developed from the Super Puma/Cougar family for military use. It is a twin-engined aircraft and can carry up to 29-seated troops along with 2 crew, depending on customer configuration. The helicopter is marketed for troop transport, casualty evacuation, and combat search and rescue duties, and is similar to the civilian EC-225.The Sikorsky S-70i Black Hawk is an international military version assembled by Sikorsky subsidiary, PZL-Mielec in Poland. It was developed for the U.S. Army in the 1970s, winning a competition to be designated the UH-60 Black Hawk and spawning a large family in United States military service.

New and improved versions of the UH-60 have been developed since. Civilian versions and some military versions of this medium transport/utility helicopter are produced under various S-70 model designations. S-70i Black Hawk is an international military version assembled by Sikorsky subsidiary, PZL-Mielec in PolandThe AgustaWestland AW149 is a medium-lift military helicopter being developed by AgustaWestland. It is said in The Aerospace Daily & Defense Report that Airbus and Boeing are jointly attempting to unseat Lockheed Martin from South Korea’s KF-X indigenous fighter program, offering stealth know-how from Europe that could not be supplied from U.S. F/A-18E/F Super Hornets in flight over mountains, snow.

In route to India Aero Show.With Korean Airlines as the local partner, the pair are likely to be proposing the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet as a base design for the KF-X. The defense ministry’s procurement office, the Defense Acquisition Program Agency (DAPA), issued a request for proposals for KF-X development on December 23, 2014.The Boeing-Airbus KF-X proposal should be an economical alternative to a fighter design of the defense ministry’s Agency for Defense Development (ADD) that Korea Aerospace Industries has been expected to build with technical assistance from Lockheed Martin.According to, Seoul aims to produce 120 KF-X jets between 2023 and 2030. The state-funded ADD has long studied a twin-engine concept, either of the C103 design that looks somewhat like the F-35 or the C203 design following the European approach and using forward canards in a stealth-shaped airframe. Both of the twin-engine platforms would be powered by two 18,000-pound (80 kN/8,165 kgf) engines, ADD officials said.

The Agency for Defense Development has long studied a twin-engine concept, either of the C103 design that looks somewhat like the F-35Korea Aerospace Industries, on the other hand, prefers a single-engine concept, dubbed C501, which is to be built based on the FA-50, a light attack aircraft version of the T-50 supersonic trainer jet co-produced by Lockheed Martin. The C501 aircraft, powered by a 29,000-pound (129 kN/13,154 kgf) engine, is designed to be fitted with a limited low-observable configuration and advanced avionics.The U.S.

Limits the technology that its companies can transfer abroad. Thus, South Korea lacks technology in many fields, such as active, electronically scanning radar.

Nevertheless, Airbus, as an airframe company, is probably involved in the Boeing bid as a supplier of stealth know-how that the U.S. Company is not authorized to provide.A budget of 8.6991 trillion won ($7.9171 billion) approved by the finance ministry this month must be intended to pay for development of the ADD KF-X. However, parliament has not yet authorized that spending or the launch of full-scale development, nor can it do so before it votes on the government’s 2016 budget next December. Korea Aerospace Industries, on the other hand, prefers a single-engine concept, dubbed C501, which is to be built based on the FA-50, a light attack aircraft version of the T-50 supersonic trainer jet co-produced by Lockheed MartinIn the meantime, KAL (Korean Air Lines) looks likely to submit the cheaper alternative, based on the Super Hornet, to DAPA in response to its request for proposals.Industry officials previously told Aviation Week that Boeing was proposing the Advanced Super Hornet, an update of the F/A-18E/F with a weapons pod and conformal tanks. Other industry officials said Boeing was working with Korean Airlines. Now different officials say that Airbus is also on the team.This is not the first time that Boeing has offered non-U.S. Technology to South Korea.

When proposing an advanced F-15 version called the Silent Eagle for the separate F-X Phase 3 fighter program, Boeing suggested technology transfer from Israel Aerospace Industries, an industry official says. Lockheed Martin won F-X Phase 3 with the F-35 and in return is supposed to back KF-X development. Boeing suggested F-15 Silent Eagle for the separate F-X Phase 3 fighter program. Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk MODEL/DESIGNATIONLENGTH (FT./M)SPAN (FT./M)GROSS WEIGHT (LB./KG)POWERPLANT (NO./TYPE)POWER/THRUSTPAYLOAD, LB./KG (WT./TYPE)SPEED (KT./KM/H)ENDURANCEMAX. The Boeing KC-46 Pegasus development program completed its first flight of Engineering, Manufacturing and Development (EMD) aircraft №1 on December 28.

Boeing EMD №1 is a provisioned 767-2C freighter and the critical building block for the KC-46 missionized aerial refueler. The maiden flight took off at 9:29 AM PST from Paine Field in Everett, Washington, and landed at 1:01 PM PST at Boeing Field in Seattle. The maiden flight took off at 9:29 AM PST from Paine Field in Everett, Washington, and landed at 1:01 PM PST at Boeing Field in Seattle«Getting in the air is a critical step in the development of this important capability for the warfighter», said Brig. Richardson, the program executive officer for tankers at the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center. «The team at Boeing has done a remarkable job creating an entirely new aircraft that will soon become the backbone of our ability to project power anywhere in the world».The 767-2C freighter is the initial step toward producing a KC-46. The aircraft will undergo additional finishing work s at the Boeing facility such as installing the refueling boom and other military specific equipment. The first flight of a Boeing KC-46 Pegasus (EMD №2) is expected in the spring of 2015.«Today’s flight is a key step in the next generation of tankers», said Col.

Christopher Coombs, the KC-46 system program manager. «We know flight testing will lead to some discovery; today’s flight kick-starts that work. There is an aggressive schedule going forward into the Milestone C decision point for approval to start Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP), but we remain cautiously optimistic we can meet the mark».The Air Force contracted with Boeing in February 2011 to acquire 179 Boeing KC-46 refueling tankers to begin recapitalizing the aging tanker fleet. This flight is an early but important step toward meeting the required assets available date – a milestone requiring 18 KC-46 aircraft and all necessary support equipment to be on the ramp, ready to support warfighter needs, by the August 2017 timeframe.MissionThe Boeing KC-46A Pegasus is intended to replace the U.S. Air Force’s aging fleet of KC-135 Stratotankers, which has been the primary refueling aircraft for more than 50 years. With more refueling capacity and enhanced capabilities, improved efficiency and increased capabilities for cargo and aeromedical evacuation, the KC-46A will provide aerial refueling support to the Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps as well as allied nation coalition force aircraft.

The KC-46A is intended to replace the United States Air Force’s aging fleet of KC-135 Stratotankers and provides vital air refueling capability for the United States Air ForceFeaturesThe KC-46A will be able to refuel any fixed-wing receiver capable aircraft on any mission. This aircraft is equipped with a modernized KC-10 refueling boom integrated with proven fly-by-wire control system and delivering a fuel offload rate required for large aircraft. In addition, the hose and drogue system adds additional mission capability that is independently operable from the refueling boom system.Two high-bypass turbofans, mounted under 34-degree swept wings, power the KC-46A to takeoff at gross weights up to 415,000 pounds/188,240 kg. Nearly all internal fuel can be pumped through the boom, drogue and wing aerial refueling pods.

The centerline drogue and wing aerial refueling pods are used to refuel aircraft fitted with probes. All aircraft will be configured for the installation of a multipoint refueling system.MPRS (Multi-Point Refueling System) configured aircraft will be capable of refueling two receiver aircraft simultaneously from special «pods» mounted under the wing. One crewmember known as the boom operator controls the boom, centerline drogue, and wing refueling «pods» during refueling operations. This new tanker utilizes an advanced KC-10 boom, a center mounted drogue and wing aerial refueling «pods» allowing it to refuel multiple types of receiver aircraft as well as foreign national aircraft on the same mission.A cargo deck above the refueling system can accommodate a mix load of passengers, patients and cargo. The KC-46A can carry up to 18 463L cargo pallets. Seat tracks and the onboard cargo handling system make it possible to simultaneously carry palletized cargo, seats, and patient support pallets in a variety of combinations. The new tanker aircraft offers significantly increased cargo and aeromedical evacuation capabilities.The aircrew compartment includes 15 permanent seats for aircrew, which includes permanent seating for the aerial refueling operator and an aerial refueling instructor.

Panoramic displays giving the ARO (Aerial Refueling Operator) wing-tip to wing-tip situational awareness.BackgroundThe Boeing Company was awarded a contract for the EMD phase of the KC-46 program on February 24, 2011. The first flight of a Boeing KC-46 Pegasus (EMD №2) is expected in the spring of 2015. The current contract, with options, provides the Air Mobility Command an inventory of 179 KC-46 tankers. The Honourable Rob Nicholson, Minister of National Defence, announced that the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) will acquire a fifth aircraft to augment the current CC-177 Globemaster (Boeing C-17 Globemaster III) fleet.


The CC-177 Globemaster performs touch and goes at Mountain View.On 25 April 2012, at 8 Wing Trenton, Ontario, 429 Squadron validated techniques, aircraft systems and training while performing the first Canadian Heavy Equipment Drop from a CC-177, GlobemasterThe additional CC-177 will improve the Canadian Armed Forces’ response capability to both domestic and international emergencies and provide support to a variety of missions, including humanitarian assistance, peace support and combat. The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring the men and women of Canada’s Armed Forces have the equipment they need to carry out their missions around the world.The additional Boeing Globemaster will ease the burden on the current fleet and extend the life expectancy of the entire fleet by about seven and a half years.With the purchase of an additional aircraft, the RCAF is projected to have at least three CC-177 aircraft available more than 90 per cent of the time to respond to concurrent international or domestic crises. This represents an increase of approximately 25 per cent.The current fleet of Globemaster CC-177s has been playing an integral role in ferrying supplies and troops to Kuwait to establish and resupply the Canadian camp through «Operation Impact». It has also delivered essential armaments and materiel to CF-18s deployed in Lithuania in support of NATO as part of «Operation Reassurance» and the international response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.The CC-177s have also been used domestically to provide support to «Operation Nanook» where they transported both equipment and personnel in Canada’s largest arctic sovereignty operation, and on «Operation Boxtop», where they provide a critical lifeline and resupplies on a semi-annual basis Canadian Forces Station Alert. The C-177 Globmaster III carrying re-supplies lands at Canadian Forces Station (CFS) Alert in support of Operation BoxtopCanada’s defence sector will continue to benefit from the purchase of the fifth Globemaster C-17 through the Industrial and Technological Benefits Policy. Boeing’s value proposition includes strong commitments in areas such as supplier development and research and technological development to improve the competitiveness of Canada’s defence sector.Using existing defence budgets, the acquisition project cost is estimated at $415 million, in addition to 12 years of integrated in-service support valued at $30 million.«Our Government has made the rebuilding of Canada’s defence capability a cornerstone of our policy agenda at a time when the world remains volatile and unpredictable.

Single Multi-mission Attack Munition Smam Aerovironment 2

Having a fifth Globemaster C-17 will significantly augment the flexibility of the Canadian Armed Forces’ strategic airlift, allowing our men and women in uniform to respond quickly when and where necessary», said Rob Nicholson, Minister of National Defence.«The CC-177 fleet has proven to be an extremely effective fleet, one which enables large numbers of simultaneous operations even on short notice. Canada’s addition of a fifth aircraft increases the Royal Canadian Air Force’s flexibility and availability to respond to international or domestic crises», added General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff.Posts navigation.

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