Soal Matematika Bangun Ruang Sd Bimbel Brilian
BERILAH TANDA SILANG (X) PADA HURUF A, B, C ATAU D PADA JAWABAN YANG BENAR!1. Rumus mencari luas persegi panjang ialah.a. Lebar x luasb. Lebar x sisic. Alas x tinggid. Panjang x lebar2. Sebuah segitiga mempunyai panjang bantalan 6 cm dan tinggi 8 cm.
Setiap bangun memiliki sifat-sifat dan rumus luas serta rumus kelilingnya. Berikut adalah soal-soal latihan beserta pembahasan tentang luas dan keliling bangun datar yang dipelajari di sekolah dasar. Semoga dapat membantu dalam memahami dan melatih kemampuan anak dalam mengerjakan soal-soal di sekolah.
Luas segitiga tersebut ialah. Luas sebuah persegi panjang ialah 120 cm². Jika panjangnya ialah 12 cm maka lebarnya ialah.a. Untuk mencari luas sebuah layang-layang memakai rumus.a.
D1 x d2 x 2b. D1 x d2 + 2c. D1 x d2 – 2d. D1 x d2: 25.Luas persegi panjang di atas ialah.
Luas bundar yang berjari-jari 14 cm ialah. Keliling bundar yang berdiameter sepanjang 42 cm ialah.a. 6168.Keliling berdiri di atas ialah.a. Selisih luas persegi dan segitiga dari gambar berdiri datar pada soal nomor 8 ialah.a.
175,5 cm10.Luas berdiri trapesium di atas ialah. Panjang bantalan suatu jajar genjang yang luasnya 1008 cm² dan tinggi 21 cm ialah.a. 28 cm12.Luas layang-layang di atas ialah. Volume prisma yang mempunyai luas bantalan 154 cm² dan tinggi 10 cm ialah.a. Rumus untuk mencari volume prisma ialah.a.
Luas bantalan x jari-jarib. Luas bantalan x diagonal 1c. Diameter x jari-jarid.
Luas bantalan x tinggi15. Untuk mencari tinggi prisma dipakai rumus.a. Volume: bantalan prismab. Volume: luas alasc. Volume: tinggi alasd. Volem: keliling alas16.
Volume sebuah tabung yang mempunyai jari-jari 14 ²dm dan tinggi 20 dm ialah.a. Atap rumah Andi berbentuk prisma segitiga yang panjangnya 20 m, lebarnya 8 m dan tinggi 2 m. Volume atap rumah tersebut ialah.a. Sebuah kaleng berbentuk tabung dengan jari-jarinya ialah 20 cm dan tinggi 30 cm.
Volume air yang sanggup dimasukkan ke dalam kaleng ialah.a. 37.680 cm³19. Luas bantalan dari tabung yang volumenya 12.500 dm³ dan tinggi 50 dm ialah.a. Sebuah tabung mempunyai volume 9240 cm³ dan tinggi 1,5 dm.
Jari-jari tabung tersebut ialah.a. 28 cm21.Volume berdiri di atas ialah.a. 13.230 cm³22. Sebuah tabung yang mempunyai tinggi 12 dm dan volume 1,44 m³. Maka luas alanya ialah.a.
120 dm³23.Jika panjang EB ialah 18 cm, DE 20 cm, DF ialah 30 dm serta luas alasnya ialah 200 cm³. Maka volume berdiri ruang di atas ialah.a. Diketahui volume tabung ialah 24.000 cm³ dan tingginya ialah 80 cm. Maka luas alasa dan tutup tabung ialah. Luas bantalan prisma berbentuk segitiga dengan panjang alasnya ialah 10 cm.
Jika volume prisma ialah 1800 cm³ dan tinggi prisma ialah 20 cm. Maka tinggi bantalan segitiga tersebut ialah.a. 36 cm( Jika ingin mendownload soal ini, berikut linknya: )B. JAWABLAH PERTANYAAN-PERTANYAAN BERIKUT INI DENGAN BENAR!1. Keliling persegi yang panjang sisinya 15 cm adalah.2. Panjang diagonal layang-layang ialah 10 dm dan 20 dm.
Maka luasnya ialah.3. Sebuah jajar genjang mempunyai luas 288 cm² dan tinggi 16 cm. Maka panjang alasnya ialah.4.Luas berdiri yang diarsir ialah.5.
Selisih luas berdiri yang diarsir dan tidak diarsir pada berdiri datar soal nomer 4 ialah.6. Volume tabung yang mempunyai jari-jari dan tinggi 10 cm ialah.7. Sebuah prisma segitiga yang volumenya 560 cm³ dan luas alasnya ialah 40 cm².
Tinggi prisma tersebut ialah.8. Diketahui sebuah tabung mempunyai tinggi 12 cm dan volume 3768 cm³. Jari-jari dari tabung tersebut ialah. (Gunakan π = 3,14)9.Panjang jari-jari pada tabung di atas ialah.
(Gunakan π = 22/7 )10.Volume prisma segitiga di atas ialah.C. JAWABLAH PERTANYAAN-PERTANYAAN BERIKUT INI DENGAN BENAR!1. Hitunglah luas berdiri di bawah ini dengan cermat!Jawab.2. Perhatikan berdiri di bawah ini!a.
Hitunglah luas berdiri yang diarsir!b. Hitunglah luas selisih berdiri yang diarsir dengn berdiri lingkaran!Jawab.3.
Pak Ahmad mempunyai 5 tong air berbentuk tabung. Diameter setiap tong ialah 1,4 m dan tingginya 2 m. Pak ahmad ingin mengisi semua tong air miliknya.
Berapa literkah air yang sanggup dimasukkan ke dalam seluruh tong air miliki Pak Ahmad?Jawab.4. Penampungan air milik Bu Risma berbentuk menyerupai gambar di bawah ini, berapakah volume airnya kalau Bu Risma hanya ingin mengisi sepertiganya saja?Jawab.5. Pak Iqbal mempunyai 7 buah kayu gelondongan berbentuk tabung. Setiap kayu mempunyai jari-jari sepanjang 63 cm dan panjangnya 2 m. Berapakah volume semua kayu Pak Iqbal.Jawab.( Jika ingin mendownload soal ini, berikut linknya: )KUNCI JAWABAN SOAL ULANGAN HARIAN MATEMATIKAKELAS 6 SD BAB LUAS DAN VOLUMEA.
Panjang x lebar2. Luas bantalan x tinggi15. Volume: luas alas16. 37.680 cm³19.
15.400 cm³22. Keliling = 4 x S = 4 x 15 cm = 60 cm2. Luas layang-layang = d1 x d2: 2 = 10 dm x 20 dm: 2 = 100 dm²3. Alas jajar genjang = Luas: tinggi = 288 cm²: 16 cm = 18 cm4. Luas 1 = Trapesium= ( a + b ): 2 x t= ( 30 cm + 14 cm ): 2 x 7 cm= 44 cm: 2 x 7 cm= 22 cm x 7 cm= 154 cm²Luas 2 = Setengah lingkaran= 1/2 x 22/7 x 7 cm x 7 cm= 1/2 x 154 cm²= 77 cm²Luas berdiri yang diarsir = Luas 1 – Luas 2= 154 cm² – 77 cm² = 77 cm²5. Luas berdiri yang diarsir = Luas 1 – Luas 2= 154 cm² – 77 cm² = 77 cm²Luas berdiri yang tidak diarsir = Setengah lingkaran= 1/2 x 22/7 x 7 cm x 7 cm= 1/2 x 154 cm²= 77 cm²Selisih = 77 cm² – 77 cm² = 0 cm6. Volume tabung = 3,14 x 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm = 3140 cm³7.
Tinggi prisma =Volume: luas alas= 560 cm³: 40 cm²= 14 cm8. R² = Volume: ( t x 3,14 )r² = 3768 cm³: ( 12 cm x 3,14 )r² = 3768 cm³: 37,68 cmr² = 100 cm²r = 10 cm9. R² = Volume: π: t= 3850 cm: 22/7: 25 cm= 1225 cm: 25 cm= 49 cm²r = 7 cm10. Volume prisma = a x t: 2 x tinggi prisma= 6 cm x 8 cm: 2 x 7 cm= 48 cm²: 2 x 7 cm= 24 cm² x 7 cm= 168 cm³C. Luas 1 = Luas setengah bundar kecil= 1/2 x 22/7 x 7 cm x 7 cm= 1/2 x 154 cm²= 77 cm²Luas 2 = Luas setengah bundar besar= 1/2 x 3,14 x 15 cm x 15 cm= 1/2 x 706,5 cm²= 353,25 cm²Luas 3 = Luas segitiga= a x t: 2= 52 cm x 16 cm: 2= 832 cm²: 2= 416 cm²Luas 4 = Luas persegi panjang= panjang x lebar= 52 cm x 14 cm= 728 cm²Luas seleuruh berdiri = Luas 1 + Luas 2 + Luas 3 + Luas 4= 77 cm² + 353,25 cm² + 416 cm² + 728 cm²= 1574,25 cm²2.
Luas berdiri yang diarsir!Luas 1 = Luas persegi panjang= Panjang x lebar= 26 cm x 23 cm= 598 cm²Luas 2 = Luas lingkaran= 22/7 x 7 cm x 7 cm= 154 cm²Luas berdiri yang diarsir = Luas 1 - luas 2= 598 cm² - 154 cm²= 444 cm²b. Luas selisih berdiri yang diarsir dengn berdiri lingkaran!Luas berdiri yang diarsir = 444 cm²Luas bundar = 154 cm²Selisih = 444 cm² - 154 cm² = 290 cm²3.
Diketahui:Jumlah tong air = 5Diameter tong air = 1,4 m = 14 dmJari-jari = Diameter: 2 = 7 dmTinggi tong air = 2 m = 20 dmDitanya: volume seluruh tong air?Jawab:Volume = 5 x ( 22/7 x 7 dm x 7 dm x 20 dm)= 5 x ( 154 dm² x 20 dm )= 5 x 3080 dm= 15.400 dm= 15.400 liter4. Diketahui:Panjang bantalan = 3 mTinggi bantalan = 4 mTinggi prisma = 3 mDitanya: Sepertiga volume bangunJawab:Volume = 1/3 x Luas bantalan x tinggi= 1/3 x ( 3 m x 4 m: 2 ) x 3 m= 1/3 x 6 m² x 3 m= 1/3 x 18 m= 6 m5.
Diketahui:Jumlah kayu gelondongan: 7 buahJari-jari kayu: 28 cmPanjang / tinnggi kayu = 2 m = 200 mDitanya: Volume seluruh kayu?Jawab:Volume = 7 x ( 22/7 x 28 cm x 28 cm x 200 cm )= 7 x ( 2.464 cm² x 200 cm )= 7 x 492.800 cm= 3.449.600 cm Sumber
.Muhammad Arsalan Farooq2016-09-01Full Text Available This paper addresses the study of the pre-experimental planning phase of the Design of Experiments (DoE in order to improve the final product quality. The pre-experimental planning phase includes a clear identification of the problem statement, selection of control factors and their respective levels and ranges. To improve production quality based on the DoE a new approach for the pre-experimental planning phase, called Non-Conformity Matrix (NCM, is presented. This article also addresses the key steps of the pre-experimental runs considering a consumer goods manufacturing process. Results of the application for an industrial case show that this methodology can support a clear definition of the problem and also a correct identification of the factor ranges in particular situations.
The proposed new approach allows modeling the entire manufacturing system holistically and correctly defining the factor ranges and respective levels for a more effective application of DoE. This new approach can be a useful resource for both research and industrial practitioners who are dedicated to large DoE projects with unknown factor interactions, when the operational levels and ranges are not completely defined.Romkema, Sietske; Bongers, Raoul M.; van der Sluis, Corry K.Background. Intermanual transfer implies that motor skills learned on one side of the body transfer to the untrained side.
Soal Matematika Bangun Ruang
This effect was previously noted in adults practicing with a prosthesis simulator. The study objective was to determine whether intermanual transfer is present in.Bergman, Esther M; de Bruin, Anique B H; Vorstenbosch, Marc A T M; Kooloos, Jan G M; Puts, Ghita C W M; Leppink, Jimmie; Scherpbier, Albert J J A; van der Vleuten, Cees P M2015-08-15It is generally assumed that learning in context increases performance. This study investigates the relationship between the characteristics of a paper-patient context (relevance and familiarity), the mechanisms through which the cognitive dimension of context could improve learning (activation of prior knowledge, elaboration and increasing retrieval cues), and test performance. A total of 145 medical students completed a pretest of 40 questions, of which half were with a patient vignette. One week later, they studied musculoskeletal anatomy in the dissection room without a paper-patient context (control group) or with (ir)relevant-(un)familiar context (experimental groups), and completed a cognitive load scale. Following a short delay, the students completed a posttest. Surprisingly, our results show that students who studied in context did not perform better than students who studied without context.
This finding may be explained by an interaction of the participants' expertise level, the nature of anatomical knowledge and students' approaches to learning. A relevant-familiar context only reduced the negative effect of learning the content in context. Our results suggest discouraging the introduction of an uncommon disease to illustrate a basic science concept. Higher self-perceived learning scores predict higher performance. Interestingly, students performed significantly better on the questions with context in both tests, possibly due to a 'framing effect'. Since studies focusing on the physical and affective dimensions of context have also failed to find a positive influence of learning in a clinically relevant context, further research seems necessary to refine our theories around the role of context in learning.Citkowicz, Martyna; Hedges, Larry V.2013-01-01In some instances, intentionally or not, study designs are such that there is clustering in one group but not in the other. This paper describes methods for computing effect size estimates and their variances when there is clustering in only one group and the analysis has not taken that clustering into account.
The authors provide the effect size.Sylvia, Ester Inung; Yetti, Krisna; Hariyati, Rr.Tutik Sri2011-01-01Reiki is one of the complementary therapies that are used to decrease blood glucose level. The therapy transfers naturalenergy into the patient's body to synchronize the energy imbalance in the body. The research to examine the effect of Reiki andthe role of the stress and weight factor to decrease blood glucose level of DM type 2 patients was held in a hospital-baseddiabetic club in Jakarta. The design of this study was pre-experimental with the one-group pretest-posttest design. Eighteenpat.Nurul Farida; Rina Agustina2017-01-01In advanced calculus learning is needed teaching materials that can help students understand the concept. One of the teaching materials that can be used is by applying teaching materials that contains the problem of understanding the concept of advanced calculus.
This instructional material can be arranged with inquiry-based. The research design used is Pre-Experimental Design with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design type. From result of research, obtained t count equal to 11,8 and t tabel equa.Prastiwi, A.
C.; Kholiq, A.; Setyarsih, W.2018-03-01The purposed of this study are to analyse reduction of students’ misconceptions after getting ECIRR with virtual simulation. The design of research is the pre-experimental design with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Subjects of this research were 36 students of class XI MIA-5 SMAN 1 Driyorejo Gresik 2015/2016 school year. Students misconceptions was determined by Three-tier Diagnostic Test. The result shows that the average percentage of misconceptions reduced on topics of ideal gas law, equation of ideal gases and kinetic theory of gases respectively are 38%, 34% and 38%.Maschek, W.1976-07-01A modified collocation method is used for solving the one group criticality problem for a uniform multiplying slab. The critical parameters and the angular fluxes for a number of slabs are displayed and compared with previously published values. (orig.) de.Salehi, A.
A.; Vosoughi, N.; Shahriari, M.2002-01-01In reactor core neutronic calculations, we usually choose a control volume and investigate about the input, output, production and absorption inside it. Finally, we derive neutron transport equation. This equation is not easy to solve for simple and symmetrical geometry. The objective of this paper is to introduce a new direct method for neutronic calculations. This method is based on physics of problem and with meshing of the desired geometry, writing the balance equation for each mesh intervals and with notice to the conjunction between these mesh intervals, produce the final discrete equation series without production of neutron transport differential equation and mandatory passing form differential equation bridge. This method, which is named Direct Discrete Method, was applied in static state, for a cylindrical geometry in one group energy. The validity of the results from this new method are tested with MCNP-4B code with a one group energy library.
One energy group direct discrete equation produces excellent results, which can be compared with the results of MCNP-4B.Curtis, A.R.; Tyror, J.G.; Wrigley, H.E.1961-10-01A computer program for solving the one-group, time dependent, three-dimensional diffusion equation together with auxiliary equations representing heat transfer, xenon production and control rod movements, is presented. The equations and the methods of solution are discussed. (author).Kocic, A Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)1974-01-15Mean values of the neutron flux over material regions and the neutron flux at space points in a cylindrical annular cell ( one group model) have been calculated by Monte Carlo. The results are compared with those obtained by an improved collision probability method (author).Li Haofeng; Chen Wenzhen; Zhu Qian; Luo Lei2008-01-01A general neutron breeder formula is developed when the reactor does not reach the steady state and the reactivity changes in phase. This formula can be used to calculate the results of six groups delayed neutron model through a way of amending λ in one group delayed neutron model. The analysis shows that the solution of amended single group delayed neutron model is approximately equal to that of six-group delayed neutron model, and the amended model meets the engineering accuracy. (authors).Barichello, L.B.; Vilhena, M.T.1993-01-01The main feature of the presented approach to solve the neutron transport equation consists in the application of the Laplace transform to the discrete ordinates equations, which yields a linear system of order N to be solved (LTS N method).
In this paper this system is solved analytically and the inversion is performed using the Heaviside expansion technique. The general formulation achieved by this procedure is then applied to homogeneous and heterogeneous one-group slab-geometry problems. (orig.) de.Sekimoto, Hiroshi; Nemoto, Atsushi; Yoshimura, Yoshikane2001-01-01The importance of nuclides is useful when investigating nuclide characteristics in a given neutron spectrum. However, it is derived using one-group microscopic cross sections, which may contain large errors or uncertainties. The sensitivity coefficient shows the effect of these errors or uncertainties on the importance.The equations for calculating sensitivity coefficients of importance to one-group nuclear constants are derived using the perturbation method.
Numerical values are also evaluated for some important cases for fast and thermal reactor systems.Many characteristics of the sensitivity coefficients are derived from the derived equations and numerical results. The matrix of sensitivity coefficients seems diagonally dominant. However, it is not always satisfied in a detailed structure. The detailed structure of the matrix and the characteristics of coefficients are given.By using the obtained sensitivity coefficients, some demonstration calculations have been performed.
The effects of error and uncertainty of nuclear data and of the change of one-group cross-section input caused by fuel design changes through the neutron spectrum are investigated. These calculations show that the sensitivity coefficient is useful when evaluating error or uncertainty of nuclide importance caused by the cross-section data error or uncertainty and when checking effectiveness of fuel cell or core design change for improving neutron economy.Wu, Q.; Kim, S.; Ishii, M.; Beus, S.G.1997-01-01In the two-fluid model for two-phase flows, interfacial area concentration is one of the most important closure relations that should be obtained from careful mechanistic modeling. The objective of this study is to develop a one-group interfacial area transport equation together with the modeling of the source and sink terms due to bubble breakage and coalescence. For bubble coalescence, two mechanisms are considered to be dominant in vertical two-phase bubbly flow. These are the random collisions between bubbles due to turbulence in the flow field, and the wake entrainment process due to the relative motion of the bubbles in the wake region of a seeding bubble.
For bubble breakup, the impact of turbulent eddies is considered. These phenomena are modeled individually, resulting in a one-group interfacial area concentration transport equation with certain parameters to be determined from experimental data. Compared to the measured axial distribution of the interfacial area concentration under various flow conditions, these parameters are obtained for the reduced one-group, one-dimensional transport equation. The results indicate that the proposed models for bubble breakup and coalescence are appropriate.ML Zerkle; ME Meyers; SM Tarves; JJ Powers2006-01-01This report provides specifications, pre-experimental predictions, and test plate characterization information for a series of molybdenum (Mo), niobium (Nb), rhenium (Re), tantalum (Ta), and baseline critical experiments that were developed by the Naval Reactors Prime Contractor Team (NRPCT) for the Prometheus space reactor development project. In March 2004, the Naval Reactors program was assigned the responsibility to develop, design, deliver, and operationally support civilian space nuclear reactors for NASA's Project Prometheus.
The NRPCT was formed to perform this work and consisted of engineers and scientists from the Naval Reactors (NR) Program prime contractors: Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (KAPL), and Bechtel Plant Machinery Inc (BPMI). The NRPCT developed a series of clean benchmark critical experiments to address fundamental uncertainties in the neutron cross section data for Mo, Nb, Re, and Ta in fast, intermediate, and mixed neutron energy spectra. These experiments were to be performed by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) using the Planet vertical lift critical assembly machine and were designed with a simple, geometrically clean, cylindrical configuration consisting of alternating layers of test, moderator/reflector, and fuel materials. Based on reprioritization of missions and funding within NASA, Naval Reactors and NASA discontinued their collaboration on Project Prometheus in September 2005. One critical experiment and eighteen subcritical handstacking experiments were completed prior to the termination of work in September 2005. Information on the Prometheus critical experiments and the test plates produced for these experiments are expected to be of value to future space reactor development programs and to integral experiments designed to address the fundamental neutron cross section uncertainties for these refractory metals.
This information is being provided as an orderly closeout of NRPCT work on Project.J. Siswanto2016-01-01Full Text Available The aimed of this sudy are: (1 investigate the effectiveness of E-Lab to improve generic science skills and understanding the concepts oh physics; and (2 investigate the effect of generic science skills towards understanding the concept of students after learning by using the E-Lab.
The method used in this study is a pre-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest. Subjects were students of Physics Education in University PGRI Semarang with methode random sampling. The results showed that: (1 learning to use E-Lab effective to increase generic science skills of students; and (2 Generic science skills give positive effect on student conceptual understanding on the material of the photoelectric effect, compton effect, and electron diffraction. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: (1 menyelidiki efektifitas E-Lab untuk meningkatkan keterampilan generik sains dan pemahaman konsep mahasiswa; dan (2 menyelidiki pengaruh keterampilan generik sains terhadap pemahaman konsep mahasiswa setelah dilakukan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan E-Lab. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pre-experimental dengan desain one group pretest-posttest. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika Universitas PGRI Semarang, dengan metode pengambilan sampel penelitian secara random.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa: (1 pembelajaran menggunakan E-Lab efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan generik sains mahasiswa; dan (2 Keterampilan generik sains berpengaruh positif terhadap pemahaman konsep mahasiswa pada materi efek fotolistrik, efek compton, dan difraksi elektron.Freire, Fernando S.2011-01-01Nuclear power reactors require core monitoring during plant operation. To provide safe, clean and reliable core continuously evaluate core conditions. Currently, the reactor core monitoring process is carried out by nuclear code systems that together with data from plant instrumentation, such as, thermocouples, ex-core detectors and fixed or moveable In-core detectors, can easily predict and monitor a variety of plant conditions. Typically, the standard nodal methods can be found on the heart of such nuclear monitoring code systems. However, standard nodal methods require large computer running times when compared with standards course-mesh finite difference schemes. Unfortunately, classic finite-difference models require a fine mesh reactor core representation.
To override this unlikely model characteristic we can usually use the classic modified one group model to take some account for the main core neutronic behavior. In this model a course-mesh core representation can be easily evaluated with a crude treatment of thermal neutrons leakage. In this work, an improvement made on classic modified one group model based on a buckling thermal correction was used to obtain a fast, accurate and reliable core monitoring system methodology for future applications, providing a powerful tool for core monitoring process. (author).Sanchez, Richard2004-01-01We analyze the Fourier-mode technique used for the spectral analysis of iterative solutions of the one-group discretized transport equation. We introduce a direct spectral analysis for the iterative solution of finite difference approximations for finite slabs composed of identical layers, providing thus a complementary analysis that is more appropriate for reactor applications. Numerical calculations for the method of characteristics and with the diamond difference approximation show the appearance of antisymmetric modes generated by the iteration on boundary data.
We have also utilized the discrete Fourier transform to compute the spectrum for a periodic slab containing N identical layers and shown that at the limit N → ∞ one obtains the familiar Fourier-mode solution.Persson, Rolf1966-10-01The interaction effect between control rods is an important problem for the reactivity control of a reactor. The approach of second order one-group perturbation theory is shown to be attractive due to its simplicity. Formulas are derived for the fully inserted control rods in a bare reactor. For a single rod we introduce a correction parameter b, which with good approximation is proportional to the strength of the absorber.
For two and more rods we introduce an interaction function g(r ij ), which is assumed to depend only on the distance r ij between the rods. The theoretical expressions are correlated with the results of several experiments in R0, ZEBRA and the Aagesta reactor, as well as with more sophisticated calculations. The approximate formulas are found to give quite good agreement with exact values, but in the case of about 8 or more rods higher-order effects are likely to be important.Sak, Ugur; Oz, Ozge2010-01-01A research study using one-group pretest-posttest design was carried out on the effectiveness of the Creative Reversal Act (CREACT) on creative thinking.
The CREACT is a new, teaching technique developed based on the theory of the janusian process. The research participants included 34 students who were attending 10th grade at a social studies.Jones, Christopher D.; Chancey, Roy; Lowe, Laura A.; Risler, Edwin A.2010-01-01Objective: This research study assesses the effectiveness of participation in a multimodal/holistic residential treatment program on changing deviant sexual interests and functional impairment among sexually abusive youth. Method: A one-group pretest posttest design was utilized to examine pretest (intake) and posttest (discharge) scores for 58.Wall, Misty L.; Rainford, Will2013-01-01Using a quasi-experimental one-group, pretest-posttest design with non-random convenience sampling, the researchers assessed 61 advanced standing MSW students who matriculated at a rural intermountain Northwest school of social work. Changes in students' knowledge and attitudes toward lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people were measured using.Pursitasari, Indarini Dwi; Nuryanti, Siti; Rede, Amran2015-01-01This study was conducted to explain the effect of thematic based integrated science learning to the student's critical thinking skills and character. One group pretest-posttest design is involving thirty students in one of the junior high school in the Palu city. A sample was taken using purposive sampling.
Data of critical thinking skills.Stewart, Jamie C.2017-01-01This study involved a one group pretest-posttest study to analyze the effectiveness of the Alpha Phi Omega leadership development course titled SERVE. This study focused on the collegiate members of this coeducational service fraternity. The Student Leadership Practices Inventory was administered as both a pretest and posttest; the posttest was.Ora Gorez Uke2017-02-01Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan pemodelan sebaya (peer modeling untuk mengurangi perilaku prokrastinasi akademik siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan one-group pretest-posttest design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku prokrastinasi akademik menurun efektif dalam penerapan intervensi teknik pemodelan sebaya (peer modeling.
Maka perilaku prokrastinasi akademik berkurang efektif dalam penerapan intervensi teknik pemodelan sebaya.Carni; Maknun, J.; Siahaan, P.2017-02-01This study is aimed to get an overview about the increase of creative thinking skills in ten grades high school students as the impact of the implementation of the ICARE approach to the dynamic electrical material. This study is using pre-experimental method. And, the research design is one-group-pretest-posttest.
In this case, the participants of this study are students in ten grades in one senior high school in West Java which is randomly selected. The data is collected from the students by doing pretest and posttest in order to measure the increase of students’ creative thinking skills. In the final analysis, the results of this study presents that the implementation of the ICARE approach generally increase the students’ creative thinking skills.
The result of the N-Gain showed that the students’ creative thinking skills increased by the average score of 0.52, categorized as medium. This is caused by the implementation of ICARE approach to the application stage.Simarmata, M.; Halim, B.; Ardinata, D.2018-03-01Primary dysmenorrhea is a gynecological disorder which most commonly occurs like a pain in the initial menstruation.
One ofthe attempts to handle dysmenorrhea is by using anon-pharmacological method such as herbal therapy which uses red ginger. The research was at Akbid and Akper Harapan Mama, Deli Serdang Regency, with pre-experimental design and one group pretest-posttest. The samples were 32 female students as the respondents, taken by using non-probability or consecutive sampling technique. PGF2a content measurement by ELISA, theintensity of pain by Visual Analogue Scale and analyzed by using Wilcoxon test. PGF2α content before giving red ginger capsule supplement median was 156.50 pg/ml (min-max: 57-1037 pg/ml), after giving it was 101 (min-max: 22-785), pain intensity before giving it in the mean score of 2 was 15 respondents (47%), after giving it in the mean score of 0 was 14 respondents (44%).
The result of statistic test on PGF2α content before and after giving it was p-value = 0.001, and pain intensity before and after giving it was p.Citkowicz, Martyna; Polanin, Joshua R.2014-01-01Meta-analyses are syntheses of effect-size estimates obtained from a collection of studies to summarize a particular field or topic (Hedges, 1992; Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). These reviews are used to integrate knowledge that can inform both scientific inquiry and public policy, therefore it is important to ensure that the estimates of the effect.Muhammad Ilmi Hatta2013-06-01interventions used to improve their self-regulation. Intervention in the form of group counseling. This study is a case study on the measurement of self-regulation in the case of ecstasy users who try to quit but have not been able to pass up the temptation to relapse regulation on Video Journalists in TV Group X.
The research method used was a quasi experimental. The study design used was one group pretest-posttest design. Measurements conducted through questionnaires, interviews and observation. The results showed that the counseling group indicated that contributes to increased self-regulation on tv Video Journalists in group X who use ecstasy are trying to quit. Self regulation changes are explained in terms of cognitive theory.Kondang Budiyani2011-02-01Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah pelatihan manajemen diri dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan diet pada penderita diabetes melitus tipe II.
Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah ada perbedaan kepatuhan diet antara pretest dan post test. Kepatuhan diet lebih tinggi pada saat post test. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 3 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi experimental design dan rancangan eksperimen the one group pretest-posttest design. Analisis data menggunakan pemeriksaan visual (visual inspection. Hasil menunjukan (1 apabila dibandingkan dengan sebelum pelatihan manajemen diri maka ada peningkatan skor kepatuhan diet pada saat pelatihan manajemen diri dan sesudah pelatihan manajemen diri.
Skor kepatuhan diet yang paling tinggi adalah pada saat pelatihan manajemen diri, (2 Apabila dibandingkan dengan sebelum pelatihan manajemen diri maka ada peningkatan skor manajemen diri sesudah pelatihan manajemen diri Kata kunci: kepatuhan diet, pelatihan manajemen diri, penderita diabetes melitus tipe II.Kondang Budiyani2010-07-01Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah pelatihan manajemen diri dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah pada penderita diabetes melitus tipe II. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah ada perbedaan tingkat kadar gula darah antara pretest dan post test. Kadar gula darah lebih rendah pada saat post test.
Subjek penelitian sebanyak 3 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi experimental design dan rancangan eksperimen the one group pretest-posttest design. Hasil analisis berdasarkan pemeriksaan visual (visual inspection yaitu dengan penyajian secara grafik menunjukkan tidak terjadi penurunan kadar gula darah sesudah pelatihan manajemen diri. Namun, pada saat pelatihan manajemen diri terlihat penurunan kadar gula darah menjadi kurang dari 200 mg/dl Kata kunci: kadar gula darah, pelatihan manajemen diri, penderita diabetes melitus tipe II.Maher, Colleen; Mendonca, Rochelle JWe evaluated the impact of a 1-wk activity program on the health, quality of life (QOL), and occupational performance of community-living women diagnosed with cancer.
A one-group pretest-posttest repeated-measures design was used. Participants completed a functional health measure (36-Item Short Form Health Survey SF-36), a QOL measure (World Health Organization Quality of Life-Brief version WHOQOL-BREF), and an occupational performance and satisfaction measure (Canadian Occupational Performance Measure COPM) before and 6 wk after program completion. The COPM was also administered on Day 5.
Paired t tests for the SF-36 and WHOQOL-BREF showed no significant differences, except for the WHOQOL-BREF's Social Relationships subscale (p occupational performance and satisfaction and social relationships of community-living women diagnosed with cancer. Copyright © 2018 by the American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.Liliawati, W.; Rusnayati, H.; Purwanto; Aristantia, G.2018-01-01Science Technology Engineering, Art, Mathematics (STEAM) is an integration of art into Science Technology Engineering, Mathematics (STEM). Connecting art to science makes learning more effective and innovative. This study aims to determine the increase in mastery of the concept of high school students after the application of STEAM education in learning with the theme of Water and Us.
The research method used is one group Pretest-posttest design with students of class VII (n = 37) junior high school. The instrument used in the form of question of mastery of concepts in the form of multiple choices amounted to 20 questions and observation sheet of learning implementation. The results of the study show that there is an increase in conceptualization on the theme of Water and Us which is categorized as medium (=0, 46) after the application of the STEAM approach. The conclusion obtained that by applying STEAM approach in learning can improve the mastery of concept.Mentari Marwa2017-12-01Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah dengan adanya metode pembelajaran terpadu dapat meningkatkan kreativitas verbal dan figural pada siswa kelas VI Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimen Pretest-Posttest One Group Design.
Metode pembelajaran terpadu yaitu suatu pembelajaran yang memadukan berbagai materi dalam satu sajian pembelajaran agar siswa memahami keterkaitan antara satu materi dengan materi lain atau antara satu mata pelajaran dengan mata pelajaran lain dan partisipasi aktif dari siswa akan membuat siswa lebih mudah untuk mengingat dan mengembangkan kognitif, dinamika afektif dan psikomotorik anak secara simultan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh metode pembelajaran terpadu untuk meningkatkan kreativitas verbal pada anak kelas VI. Metode pembelajaran terpadu ternyata mampu meningkatkan kreativitas verbal siswa, dimana semua siswa mengalami peningkatan kreativitas verbal, dengan nilai Z = -2,041 dan p 0,05.Shin, Juh Hyun2015-01-01The use of dolls as a therapeutic intervention for nursing home residents with dementia is relatively new. The current article describes a research study implemented with nursing home residents in Korea to examine the effects of doll therapy on their mood, behavior, and social interactions. A one-group, pretest-posttest design was used to measure the impact of doll therapy on 51 residents with dementia.
Linear regression demonstrated statistically significant differences in aggression, obsessive behaviors, wandering, negative verbalization, negative mood, and negative physical appearance after introduction of the doll therapy intervention. Interactions with other individuals also increased over time. Findings support the benefits of doll therapy for nursing home residents with dementia; however, further research is needed to provide more empirical evidence and explore ethical considerations in the use of doll therapy in this vulnerable population. Copyright 2015, SLACK Incorporated.Murrock, Carolyn J; Graor, Christine Heifner2014-07-01This study documented the feasibility and immediate effects of a dance intervention two times per week for 12 weeks on depression, physical function, and disability in older, underserved adults.
The one-group, pretest-posttest study had a convenience sample of 40 participants recruited from a federally subsidized apartment complex located in an economically depressed, inner-city neighborhood. Depression, physical function, and disability were measured at baseline and 12 weeks. Average age was 63 years (SD = 7.9), 92% were female, and 75% were African American. At baseline, participants reported increased depression (M = 20.0, SD = 12.4), decreased physical function (M = 56.6, SD = 10.9), and increased disability limitations (M = 65.7, SD = 14.9). At posttest, paired t tests showed that the dance intervention significantly decreased depression, t = 6.11, p dance intervention may be an effective adjunct therapy to improve depression, disability, and physical function in underserved adults.Avianti, R.; Suyatno; Sugiarto, B.2018-04-01This study aims to create an appropriate learning material based on CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending) model to improve students’ learning achievement in Chemical Bonding Topic.
This study used 4-D models as research design and one group pretest-posttest as design of the material treatment. The subject of the study was teaching materials based on CORE model, conducted on 30 students of Science class grade 10. The collecting data process involved some techniques such as validation, observation, test, and questionnaire. The findings were that: (1) all the contents were valid, (2) the practicality and the effectiveness of all the contents were good.
The conclusion of this research was that the CORE model is appropriate to improve students’ learning outcomes for studying Chemical Bonding.S. Manurung2018-01-01Full Text Available The effectiveness of hypertext media in improving graph interpretation ability is investigated in this paper. In addition, joint ability of the formal thinking to improve the graph ability of prospective students is considered. The research design used is the one-group pretest-posttest experimental design is carried out in the research by taking 36 students on from Physics Education Program in one institute for teacher education in Medan. The test consists of graph interpretation ability test in the topic of kinematics and Test of Logical Thinking (TOLT or formal thinking before learning and graph interpretation ability test after learning. The data are then analysed by using SPSS based two ways Analisys of Variance (ANOVA method.
The results show that the ability to interpretate graph is significantly improved by using hypertext media assisted kinematic learning.Reza, M.; Ibrahim, M.; Rahayu, Y. S.2018-01-01This research aims to develop problem-based learning oriented teaching materials to improve students’ mastery of concept and critical thinking skill. Its procedure was divided into two phases; developmental phase and experimental phase.
This developmental research used Four-D Model. However, within this research, the process of development would not involve the last stages, which is disseminate. The teaching learning materials which were developed consist of lesson plan, student handbook, student worksheet, achievement test and critical thinking skill test. The experimental phase employs a research design called one group pretest-posttest design. Results show that the validity of the teaching materials which were developed was good and revealed the enhancement of students’ activities with positive response to the teaching learning process. Furthermore, the learning materials improve the students’ mastery of concept and critical thinking skill.Helsy, I.; Maryamah; Farida, I.; Ramdhani, M.
A.2017-09-01This study aimed to describe the application of teaching materials, analyze the increase in the ability of students to connect the three levels of representation and student responses after application of multiple representations based teaching materials chemistry. The method used quasi one-group pretest-posttest design to 71 students. The results showed the application of teaching materials carried 88% with very good category. A significant increase ability to connect the three levels of representation of students after the application of multiple representations based teaching materials chemistry with t-value t-crit (11.402 1.991).
Recapitulation N-gain pretest and posttest showed relatively similar for all groups is 0.6 criterion being achievement. Students gave a positive response to the application of multiple representations based teaching materials chemistry. Students agree teaching materials used in teaching chemistry (88%), and agrees teaching materials to provide convenience in connecting the three levels of representation (95%).Stieglitz, Dana Duval; Vinson, David R; Hampton, Michelle De Coux2016-01-01This study investigated effectiveness of an equipment-based Pilates protocol for reducing pain and disability in individuals with work-related chronic low back pain (CLBP). Twelve workers with non-specific CLBP participated in a quasi-experimental, one-group, pretest-posttest pilot study of supervised 6-week equipment-based Pilates exercise.
Pain severity was assessed using a 100-mm visual analog scale (VAS). Physical function was assessed using the Oswestry disability index (ODI). The Pilates intervention significantly reduced pain (mean decrease in VAS 30.75 ± 20.27, p Pilates exercise reduced pain and disability in workers with CLBP. Further research is needed to investigate Pilates exercise for rehabilitation of work-related injuries in large populations. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Erfan Priyambodo2016-11-01Full Text Available Nowdays, learning through e-learning is going rapidly, including the application BeSmart UNY.
This application is providing collaborative method in teaching and learning. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Collaborative Academic Online Based Learning method in teaching and learning toward students’ Self-Regulated Learning (SRL on Vocational School Chemistry courses. This study was quasi-experimental research method with one group pretest posttest design. Instruments used in this study were lesson plan and questionnaire of students’ SRL. This questionnaire is filled by students through BeSmart UNY. In determining the differences SRL before and after teaching and learning processes, the data was analized by stastitical method. The results showed that the implementation of the Collaborative Academic Online Based Learning method in teaching and learning was effective for improving students’ SRL.sugiarti, A.
C.; suyatno, S.; Sanjaya, I. M.2018-04-01The objective of this study is describing the feasibility of Learning Cycle 5E STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) based learning material which is appropriate to improve students’ learning achievement in Thermochemistry. The study design used 4-D models and one group pretest-posttest design to obtain the information about the improvement of sudents’ learning outcomes. The subject was learning cycle 5E based STEM learning materials which the data were collected from 30 students of Science class at 11th Grade. The techniques used in this study were validation, observation, test, and questionnaire.
Some result attain: (1) all the learning materials contents were valid, (2) the practicality and the effectiveness of all the learning materials contents were classified as good. The conclution of this study based on those three condition, the Learnig Cycle 5E based STEM learning materials is appropriate to improve students’ learning outcomes in studying Thermochemistry.Maryam Danaye Tous2016-03-01Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference between the performance of Iranian male and female EFL learners on the five dimensions of the California Critical Thinking Skills Test.88 learners, out of 120, who were selected through convenience sampling method, participated in this study. The researcher used a quantitative research method with one-group pretest posttest design. This group received some treatment in the form of “the Meeting-House Debate” strategy. Data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Result showed that there was no significant difference in the performance of males and females on the sub-scales measured; i.e. Evaluation, analysis, inference, deductive reasoning, and inductive reasoning. It was concluded that gender did not have a significant effect on the students’ critical thinking skills.Robin L. Marcus2011-01-01Full Text Available Rehabilitation services are less-studied aspects of the management following total knee arthroplasty (TKA despite long-term suboptimal physical functioning and chronic deficits in muscle function. This paper describes the preliminary findings of a six-week (12 session eccentrically-biased rehabilitation program targeted at deficits in physical function and muscle function, initiated one month following surgery. A quasiexperimental, one group, pretest-posttest study with thirteen individuals (6 female, 7 male; mean age 57±7 years examined the effectiveness of an eccentrically-biased rehabilitation program.
The program resulted in improvements in the primary physical function endpoints (SF-36 physical component summary and the six-minute walk test with increases of 59% and 47%, respectively. Muscle function endpoints (knee extension strength and power also increased 107% and 93%, respectively. Eccentrically-biased exercise used as an addition to rehabilitation may help amplify and accelerate physical function following TKA surgery.Fagan, Jay; Cherson, Mollie; Brown, Christopher; Vecere, Eric2015-12-01The present study evaluated the effects of mothers' participation in an 8-week coparenting intervention program, Understanding Dad™, on mothers' awareness and attitudes regarding how their relationships with fathers influence paternal involvement with children, knowledge of healthy pro-relationship skills, and relationship self-efficacy.
Thirty-four mothers were recruited from four sites to participate in a study that used a pretest/posttest one-group design. Over the course of this 8-week program, mothers demonstrated moderate to large gains in each of the outcome measures, after controlling for mothers' educational level. Moreover, there was one significant within-subjects interaction effect for time × location. That is, mothers made significantly greater gains in pro-relationship knowledge in one of the intervention sites.
Implications for future research are discussed. © 2015 Family Process Institute.Anggun Zuhaida2015-11-01Full Text Available This research aims to develop a metacognition assessment for students of IPA teacher candidates through problem-based learning. Subjects tested in this study were 30 students in the Department Tadris IPA IAIN Salatiga using one group pretest-posttest design. Assessment isdeveloped based on metacognition indicators including an essay test assessment, performance assessment, assessment of attitudes and self assessment. The result of essay test indicates an increase in the ability of metacognition in general by the N-gain of 0.5 (medium category where as performances and attitudes assessment lie in the good and excellent categories, while the self-assessment shows improvement results with N-gain of 0:45 (medium category. Overall, problem-based learning enhances the skills of metacognition that is 'evaluation' on students of IPA teacher candidates.Oh, Eui Geum; Kim, Sunah; Kim, So Sun; Kim, Sue; Cho, Eun Yong; Yoo, Ji-Soo; Kim, Hee Soon; Lee, Ju Hee; You, Mi Ae; Lee, Hyejung2010-07-01This study examines the effects of integrating evidence-based practice (EBP) into clinical practicum on EBP efficacy and barriers to research utilization among Korean RN-to-BSN students. A one-group pretest-posttest design was used.
Eighty-one students were recruited from a school of nursing in Korea. Evidence-based practice clinical practicum was composed of two consecutive programs during one semester. Lectures, individual mentoring on EBP practicum, small group, and wrap-up conferences were provided.
Outcomes of EBP efficacy and barriers to research utilization were analyzed using paired t tests for 74 final participants. Evidence-based practice efficacy scores increased significantly (p effectiveness of EBP education among RN-to-BSN students. These results may help health educators develop effective educational strategies to integrate EBP concepts into a clinical practicum. Copyright 2010, SLACK Incorporated.Edie, S. S.; Masturi; Safitri, H.
N.; Alighiri, D.; Susilawati; Sari, L. K.; Marwoto, P.; Iswari, R. S.2018-03-01The bomb calorimeter is laboratory equipment which serves to calculate the value of combustion heat or heat capacity of a sample in excess oxygen combustion. This study aims to determine the effect of using bomb calorimeter on science process skill of physics students. Influences include the effectiveness of using the equipment and knowing the improvement of students’ science process skills before and after using tools. The sample used simple random sampling with one group pretest-posttest research design. The instrument that used is written test that adjusts with science process skills aspect.
Analysis of the effectiveness of bomb calorimeter showed useful result 87.88%, while the study of science skill improvement showed n-gain value 0.64 that is the medium category.B. Sutipnyo2018-01-01Full Text Available This research was aimed to determine the increasing of students' motivation that has been applied by Numbered Heads Together (NHT learning model with Science, Environment, Technology, Society (SETS approach. The design of this study was quasi experiment with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The data of students’ learning motivation obtained through questionnaire administered before and after NHT learning model with SETS approach.
In this research, the indicators of learning-motivation were facing tasks diligently, showing interest in variety of problems, prefering to work independently, keeping students’ opinions, and feeling happy to find and solve problems. Increasing of the students’ learning motivation was analyzed by using a gain test.
The results showed that applying NHT learning model with SETS approach could increase the students’ learning motivation in medium categories.Soeharto Soeharto2016-09-01Full Text Available This research aimed to know the effect of text transformation in educational physics especially Impuls and momentum to reduce students’ misconception. This study was held at state senior high school (SMAN 2 in Pontianak, West Borneo.
The instrument in this study has made with diagnostic test using certainly of responden index method. The research design in this study using one group pretest-posttest design. Population in this research is all students of science major in state senior high school 2 in Pontianak. This study have found that implementation of text transformation giving effect significantly to reduce students’ misconception according Wilcoxon test (Z = -3,418, p = 0.01. However, this research is not finding corelation which is significantly between skill to make a note using text transformation and reduction of students’ misconception ( = 0.119, p = 0.490.
The value of effect size in this research is 1.65.R. Yuliarti2016-01-01Full Text Available In general, self-efficacy of the students is still low. This study aims to determine the learning strategies implementation of generative learning assisted scientist's card in improving self-efficacy and cognitive learning outcomes of the students. The study designed form One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The improvement of self-efficacy can be determined from the change in the questionnaire score before and after the learning and observations during the learning process. Cognitive learning outcomes are known from pretest and posttest scores. To determine the improvement, the data were analyzed by using the gain test.
The results showed that N-gain of self-efficacy is 0.13 (low and N-gain of cognitive learning is 0.60 (medium. Based on the observation, students’ self-efficacy has increased each meeting.
Cognitive learning results also achieved mastery learning as big as 72.88%. It could be concluded that the learning strategy of generative learning assisted scientist's card can improve self efficacy and cognitive learning outcomes of the students.Pada umumnya, self efficacy yang dimiliki siswa masih rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan strategi pembelajaran generative learning berbantuan scientist’s card dalam meningkatkan self efficacy dan hasil belajar kognitif siswa. Desain penelitian berbentuk One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Peningkatan self efficacy dapat diketahui dari perubahan skor angket sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran dan hasil observasi selama pembelajaran. Hasil belajar kognitif diketahui dari skor pretest dan posttest.
Untuk mengetahui peningkatannya, data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji gain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan self efficacy berkatagori rendah dan peningkatan hasil belajar kognitif berkatagori sedang. Berdasarkan hasil observasi, self efficacy siswa setiap pertemuan meningkat.
Hasil belajar ranah kognitif juga mencapai ketuntasan belajar.Jadi dapat.Resa Wahyuni2016-01-01Full Text Available Anak tunanetra memiliki resiko yang sama seperti anak normal untuk mengalami masalah gizi karena kurangnya pengetahuan gizi, sehingga diperlukan pendidikan gizi beserta media tepat untuk dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan gizi anak-anak tunanetra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara pengetahuan gizi buah dan sayur sebelum diberi dan setelah diberi media buku gizi braille pada anak tunanetra di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Luar Biasa (MILB Budi Asih Semarang.
Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah pra eksperimen dengan pendekatan one group pretest posttest design. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan total sampling karena jumlah populasi yang terbatas, yaitu sebanyak 7 sampel. Diperoleh rata-rata skor untuk pre test sebesar 10,57, dan rata-rata skor post test sebesar 16,71. Berdasarkan uji t test berpasangan yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh nilai sig (0,018.