Kingdom Come Deliverance First Quest

1) All posts must be related to Kingdom Come: Deliverance. 2) Read the Frequently Asked Questions before posting. 3) No flaming. This is the first quest in the main storyline of Kingdom Come: Deliverance, and it will be automatically added to your journal when you start a new game. My home town was attacked by foreign soldiers and many people slaughtered.

  1. Kingdom Come Deliverance First Questions
  2. Kingdom Come Deliverance Side Quests First

Kingdom Come Deliverance First Questions

There are a few great times to deviate.The first is right before meeting Radzig and declaring your holy crusade for his sword. At this point you can run around and practice stealth and hunting skills, getting money and what have you.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Side Quests First

You can get a horse during this time so you don’t fail the Capon hunting objective. Side quests are limited at this point, and you can’t train up melee very well.After you get the quest to find Limpy is the second place where it helps to take a break.

Kingdom Come Deliverance First Quest

First thing to do is go back to Bernard and practice sword fighting so that you can get your defensive skills and talents you need to survive. Otherwise, a lot of side quests open up at this point.The next point would be after Pribislavitz, where even more quests open up.

Yep,before scouting Prybislavice is a good time to go and do some training. I recommend to get one of the 3 melee weapons types to at least level 10. Chose one,the easiest is sword. Dont try to get good at all of them (axe and mace) as it will take lots of time. And train sneaking a lot. I found the best way to do is to sneak upon lonely wayfarers,choking them from behind. But dont kill them!

Just tender choking so they fall unconscious You can extend the training to sleeping charcoal burners or other NPCs. I found myself feeling rushed thru the main quest I didnt think there was a good excuse to do anything else until after the plague quest after you kill Rwhats his face who whoops you in the beginning.

The quest just seem so important up till that point if you are role playing and the dialog makes you feel it is as well. Some examples are when you reach Ratty and are summoned by Nobel’s ( cant keep them waiting).

Then you have to do training to join the gurad and go on a patrol( cant not do your job). Then you are forced to go hunting with Hans and have to rescue him.

Kingdom come deliverance first question

After that there is a raid on Noihoff and you better catch who did it before the trail goes cold you are told( feels like you have to do it). Then you find the location of the bandit camp so close to your revenge how could you go do something else.

Then you have to help with the plague thats pretty important and a good role player wont change course for that shit. Even tho you can deviate at anytime there never really feels like a good time for somebody more into the role playing side of the game. (Wish there was fishing and other slice of life styled activities) They need to break apart that main quest line with some things that dont feel as important, but if you are not a role player like me anytime works.

Go do you man.

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