Convert Latitude Longitude To Decimal Python

  1. Latitude And Longitude Conversion Calculator

I have a database of 2000 points, which is in CSV format containing latitude and longitude. Pseudocode for your problem would be: for point1 in csv:for point2 in csv:distance = haversine(point1, point2)where haversine is defined as (from e.g.


Latitude And Longitude Conversion Calculator

I have a database of 2000 points, which is in CSV format containing latitude and longitude. I want to find the distance between all these points, and then show these points in a map by using pyQGIS; I have seen one example using Fiona but I want to do this in pyQGIS. (2 replies) I'm attempting to convert latitude and longitude coordinates from degrees minutes and second to decimal form. I would like to go from: N39 42 36.3 W77 42 51.5 to: -77.739866 Does anyone know of a library or some existing out their to help with this conversion? - next part - An HTML attachment was scrubbed.

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