Wow World Boss Timer

One of the first world bosses a player might encounter.are special event bosses encountered throughout the open world of that spawn a ground (that can be looted once per character per day) and award players with one containing a piece of rare or exotic gear (limited to once per account per day) when defeated. Additionally, the ground chest spawned by world bosses contain varying quantities of, a that can be refined and used to make equipment. World boss events attract many players and are a good way to earn various kinds of high-level equipment. However, characters must be a minimum level of 40 to receive any rare rarity gear from the event.

Comment by lambd1 So, let's see: four armor classes (cloth, leather, mail, plate) and three Azerite gear slots (head, shoulders, chest), I would have felt better if the Arathi Basin World Bosses (Doom's Howl and Lion's Roar) each dropped twelve different kinds of Azerite gear, to cover all three slots for all four armor classes. WoW Freakz, greatest Legion and Mists of Pandaria private servers, customizable rates. Class Halls. Mythic Mode. Artifacts. Anti Hack. Honor System. World Scaling. LFR Raid Finder. Flexible Raid. Black Market. Pet Battles. AoE Loot. RPPM system. Scenarios. Fully scripted leveling zones, creatures, quests. Loremaster. Dungeons / Raids all working Blizzlike. Spells/talents, all.

Contents.BackgroundFound in a place that has been lost in time, the great lord Oondasta has been outfitted for battle with weaponry and armor by the, and awaits players brave enough (or foolhardy enough) to seek him out on the mysterious found in the seas north of.Adventure GuideAs the war against Lei Shen's island citadel began, Alliance and Horde scouts made an effort to intercept missives between the major Zandalari camps. One such exchange seemed to revolve around an unfamiliar Zandalari word, always surrounded by terms of conquest and power: Oondasta. Somewhere in Pandaria, the raises their mighty beasts as engines of war, and is putting the finishing touches on this Loa-infused monstrosity. The exact location, however, remains unknown. Oondasta in the. Crush — Oondasta crushes his current target, inflicting 462,500 to 537,500 Physical damage and reducing armor by 25% for 1 min. This effect stacks.

Alpha Male — Oondasta seeks only the most hearty challengers, making him immune to taunts, but also increasing tank-specced players' threat against him by 100%. Frill Blast — Oondasta's armor is more than just for decoration, and can charge up this powerful blast that inflicts 800,000 Fire damage to all players in a 60-yard hemisphere in front of Oondasta. Growing Fury — Oondasta's rage grows as the fight progresses, increasing all damage by 10%. This effect stacks. Piercing Roar — Oondasta unleashes a piercing roar, inflicting 200,000 Physical damage to all players and interrupting spell-casting, preventing spells of that school from being cast for 10 sec.

Spiritfire Beam — Oondasta fires a beam of spiritfire energy at a player, inflicting 200,000 Fire damage and jumping to a nearby ally. Up to 99 players can be affected.StrategyTo start out, all members of the raid must be behind Oondasta or the 180-degree Frill Blast will all but tanks using a defensive cooldown. Oondasta has a huge hitbox, so no players should be stacked up on top of one another, or the Spitfire Beam will chain and do a decent chunk of damage to a large part of the raid. The stacking Crush means tanks will have to swap, but as Oondasta is immune to taunts via Alpha Male, tanks will have to swap the old-fashioned way, or the stacking Crush will kill them before the Frill Blast does.All spell-casters must pay attention to the Piercing Roar cast and not let it lock a school for 10 seconds, which is particularly annoying for healers. As the fight drags out, Oondasta will gain a stacking damage buff in the form of Growing Fury, which affects all of its abilities. After about 15 stacks, even Piercing Roar will start to one-shot members of the raid.As of, the graveyard has been moved up to Oondasta's area, thus the previous strategies of either dragging Oondasta down to the beach or resorting to a 90-second graveyard zerg are no longer necessary.

Wow World Boss Timer

Players choosing to release and run back to their corpse (now a 20-second run) will still have to contend with the resurrection timer, however. LootPlayers involved in a successful Oondasta kill will have a chance of looting one of the following items, and can use a for an additional chance.

Wow World Boss TimerBoss

Wow World Boss Timer Addon

Should players not win loot, they will receive a instead. Players can only receive loot or use a bonus roll for Oondasta once a week.


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