Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Walkthrough

  1. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Walkthrough Kuwaq Yaku
  2. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Walkthrough Hidden City
  3. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider

Is a long game if you're a completionist. From gear and survival caches to treasure chests and murals, there are tons of collectibles to be had.As you play through the game, you'll come across various crypts, many of which you can find either by exploring or finding maps. There are 10 in all and each of them has a unique piece of gear you can't find anywhere else.

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These vestiges (gear) carry certain perks with them that give Lara buffs during combat or help her make better use of here survival instincts. Some even help her find resources more easily. You don't need these to beat the game, but they do help out. Just like challenge tombs, you should be completing these as you come across them to maximize your playthrough and end-game power.In the guide below, we'll go over where you'll find each crypt, how to get inside it, and what vestiges or collectibles you'll find in the sarcophagus at the heart of each of them. We've also included video walkthroughs to each of them to better help you get them done faster.Be sure to check out our other guides an the bottom of this article.Crypt #1: Peruvian JungleBasecamp: Plane WreckageVestige Rewards: Eveningstar's Boots (harvest more natural resources)The first crypt in the game is located near where you first begin in the Peruvian Jungle area. After you've created/found your first base camp, face the wreckage in the small pond in front of you.Go right along the shoreline and climb up onto the small cliff there. Use your bow and rope arrow to pull down the wooden wall and proceed inside.Once you reach the first juncture, use the lever to the right to open the gate in front of you.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider Walkthrough The Path Home of this seventh DLC that expands the core narrative with a fresh adventure within the world of this land. Part 1: City Flood & Jungle Survival. The following is a walkthrough for Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Cozumel A Faint Light Climb out of the cave, Climb out of the cave, In The Shadows Find Dominguez Follow Dominguez Find another way in to the dig site Investigate the area Stop the execution Find the temple entrance, Find Dominguez.

Follow the path around, minding the rope trap about halfway down, to find a mural.From the mural, go right and follow the path around to the end. Open the gate there to make a shortcut back to the beginning of the crypt.

Turn around and look for the fissure in the wall to the left. Go inside to find a handful of collectibles.Go back to the mural and go straight ahead. You'll slide down the embankment and find the sarcophagus in front of you.

Inside, you'll find the Eveninstar's Boots, a piece of leg gear that lets you harvest more natural resources from each source (plant, animal, etc.).Crypt #2: Peruvian JungleBasecamp: Jungle RuinsVestige Rewards: Eveningstar's Cape (increases duration of perception herb effects)You'll find this crypt after you've located Jonah near the rest of the plane wreckage (after you've moved on from Crypt #1). From the base camp, don't follow Jonah yet. Instead, go back down toward the area with water.Swim across and climb up onto the opposite embankment. Go straight along the shore to the rock wall in the back of the area. Climb up and use the tree branch to swing across to the other side.Now you'll notice a little pond in front of you and the larger water area to your back. Swim across the little pond area and tear down the wall you find in the back.

Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Walkthrough Kuwaq Yaku

Go through and make sure to nab the collectible to your right about halfway down.As you continue along, use your bow and rope arrow to pull down the wall. Before you go in, look to your right to find a mural.Now, go through the pathway you just opened up. Continue along and go left when you meet the gate. Watch out for the trap here by cutting the rope. After you've disarmed it, follow the path to find another collectible.From the collectible, turn around and look at the left wall; you'll see a small opening there. Go through it.On the other side, use the lever on the far wall to open the gate that just blocked your path a moment ago.

Go further down the wall to find another lever that will open another gate blocking your way.Next, traverse the climbing area and make your way to the top, minding a few traps along the way. Once there, you'll find another sarcophagus. Inside will be your next vestige, Eveningstar's Cape. This piece of gear increases the duration of perception herb effects.Crypt #3: Kuwaq YakuBasecamp: Kuwaq YakuVestige Rewards: Nine Strides' Boots (harvest more man-made resources from each source)You'll find two crypts in this area.You can find the first one by beginning at the Kuwaq Yaku campfire in front of the restaurant/bar where you leave Jonah after arriving in the area. With the restaurant/bar to your back, go straight.When you get to the bridge, jump off the left side and swim to the shore in front of you to the left.When you get there, go straight ahead into the cavern. Dive and swim to the very end of the cavern and climb the ledge to the left.

Follow the path around, making sure to get the collectibles along the way.When you enter the structure at the end of the path, turn left to find a map at the edge of the room. Continue through the area to find a mural in the next room.After you pass the mural, slide down the embankment. Make sure to miss the big spike walls as you go down. They alternate left, right, left.At the end, you'll need to jump and use your grapple ax to rope swing across the chasm.Go straight ahead to find the sarcophagus.

Your reward will be the Nine Strides' Boots. This gear will let you harvest more man-made resources from each source (downed enemies, etc.).Crypt #4: Kuwaq YakuBasecamp: Hunting GroundsVestige Rewards: Condor Cowl of Urqu (increases the duration of focus herb effects)Crypt 4 is also in the the same area. This will be the easiest Crypt to find and open in the entire game. However, you will need the shotgun before you can open it, so you'll need to progress through the game a bit more before circling back to this one.Once you do get the shotgun, go to Hunting Grounds base camp.Face the exploding barrel near the campfire and go straight ahead, hugging the bank along the way.


When you get to the end, you'll find the crypt on the left.Blast open the wooden barrier and find the sarcophagus inside.You'll get the vestige Condor Cowl of Urqu for your efforts. This gear increases the duration of focus herb effects.Crypt #5: The Hidden CityBasecamp: Temple of KukulkanVestige Rewards: Yaway's Wooden Greaves (provides extra protection against fire and knockdowns)This crypt might be the hardest to find in the game. Unless you're eagle-eyed, there's a substantial chance you'll overlook this one.From the campfire at the Temple of Kukulkan basecamp, walk straight toward the bridge.Instead of crossing it, walk to the right, toward the edge of the cliff.Once at the edge, climb down over the side and rappel down further.

Swing jump across to the rocks on your left.Once there, crawl through the opening and follow the path. Right after you crawl through the next space, you'll slide down into the chamber below. As you pass through, make sure to grab the collectible on your right - across from the mural.Next, go through the room and jump on the counterweight in front you (the one in the room with all the bodies and the deep pit). Ride the counterweight down to the room below.Just ahead on your left you'll find the sarcophagus. Inside will be the vestige: Yaway's Wooden Greaves. This gear provides extra protection against fire and knockdowns.Be sure to keep an eye out for collectibles as you make your way out of the crypt. To see how to get all the way through - and what traps and minor puzzles await, check out the video above.Crypt #6: The Hidden CityBasecamp: Temple of KukulkanVestige Rewards: Ch'amaka's War Vest (increases protection from melee attacks)This may not be the actual sixth crypt in the game, as you can find other crypts earlier on in the Hidden City.

However, we've put it in this slot because you will come across it as you progress the story, putting it the fifth in line if you're plugging through the narrative.Once you infiltrate the cult and finish the cut scene with the game's main antagonist in the upper city temple, you'll find yourself on the cliffs overlooking a raging river.Once you make it to the other side, though, don't go right toward your objective.Instead, go left and climb up the cliffs until you reach the end of the path. There, you'll find the entrance to the next crypt.Go in and rappel down to the bottom of the cavern.

Use your bow and rope arrows to pull down the wood barrier in front of you. Keep going and climb to the top of the cliffs along the path.When you get to the top, rappel and swing-jump across to the precipice with the gate.

Make sure to be careful because you can fall off the edge since it's so shallow.Go through the gate and to the end of the path to find the sarcophagus. Ch'amaka's War Vest will be your gear reward. This provides increased protection from melee attacks.Crypt #7: The Hidden CityBasecamp: Abandoned VillageVestige Rewards: Manko's Boots (provide concealment when hunting predators)This one can be somewhat of a pain to get to if you're not paying attention to the lay of the land.Go to the Abandoned Village base camp.

Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Walkthrough Hidden City

LoadingOn the way there, you'll meet a merchant who you can buy and sell and guns/gear. It's recommended you pick up the Pistol Suppressor, as it is helpful in the next few areas. Continuing on, you'll find the old ruins and figure out that there is more to the ruins than it seems.Swan dive into the water below, and then continue on the path. Swim onwards and you'll eventually come across some Trinity soldiers. It's possible to clear all these guys from the water, but it is somewhat difficult since you'll need to stay underwater for the most part. Try and use the boats and docks to keep yourself hidden from the soldiers. Otherwise, you can try and kill all the soldiers, but there's not a lot of cover and you can't shoot from the water, so it is recommended to try and kill them stealthily.

That being said, another way you can kill them if you're found out is through stealth kills once they de-aggro on you, so keep that in mind.Once the soldiers are dealt with, collect any in the area and continue on. There will be a base camp up ahead, and you'll unlock Fast Travel here. In the next area, you'll learn about mud patches, which help cover Lara sneak around. In the next area there will be some more Trinity soldiers. If you have the pistol silencer, you can take the soldiers out fairly easily as they won't notice the gunshots, and you can kill them in one hit with headshots. There's only 4 or so soldiers, so you can deal with them easily.In the next area, there will be four more soldiers, which, again, can be dealt with the pistol silencer, but try and wait until the one in front becomes seperated from the others before shooting him with the pistol or stealth killing him. See the video for a more detailed visual of this.

Once they're dead, use the boxes as cover to kill the left soldier and then go around the right side and kill the remaining soldier. Loading Continuing on, grapple down into the caves below and go down the path. Once you reach this large area that's on fire, there will be a puzzle in which you need to rotate some stones to be in the right order to open a bunch of doors.

See the picture above for the solution to the puzzle.In this next area, you'll find a mural that depicts how to reach, pretty much. Abby will tell you that the jaguar mouth is near the entrance to the old ruins you entered at first, so follow the path back to get there. You'll also learn about Eagle's Talon, which is a way to kill enemies while on top of a tree branch.

Be sure to get any and read any murals in the area before going down the path.This next underwater area is kind of difficult to explain, but just keep an eye out for piranhas by staying away from them or hiding in the underwater grass. You'll also find your first gold/jade deposits in this area, so be sure to keep a lookout for those.

LoadingOnce you're out of the underwater section, you'll have an opportunity to do the Eagle's Talon move once the two Trinity soldiers seperate. Keep going down the path and you'll notice some kind of savage-looking person kill some more Trinity soldiers. The next area will have a bunch of Trinity soldiers, but you can take most of them out with the pistol. However, the one on the top of the cliff will have a headgear, so you won't be able to headshot him. Kill all the enemies without helmets using the pistol, and then stealth kill the others.Once that's done, you'll hear the other men die from the savages, so loot the area and then head onwards. You'll see a bunch of dead Trinity soldiers. Keep going down the path and you'll come to a large open area. There's a lot of loot to be collected here, so get that if you want.

There are also 5 sacrilegious jungle totems here that can be shot down for some experience. There's also a path that leads to a wall that can be opened with a shotgun, as well as a base camp, so use it so that you can return later on when you receive the shotgun.Continuing down the path, you'll reach again and can get back to the old ruins.You'll meet up with Jonah and Abby, but get separated from them shortly after entering the Jaguar mouth. Jump into the water pit below, and swim through the underwater pathway. You'll encounter another eel, as well as some more piranhas, but you'll eventually reach a cavern.This is the Trial of the Spider, and it's basically a parkour climbing test. It's not a very difficult test, just keep following the path and you'll eventually get out. Once you're out, the next trial will be the. Loading puzzle This trial is a bit more tricky, but just follow the path the game tells you to go and you'll find something that could be used as a ladder if you turn it on its side.Keep going down the path and you'll reach a spinning object that you can attach a rope tether to.

Shadow Of The Tomb Raider

Attach it to the middle mechanism in the trial and you'll start turning the mechanism using wind.Jump onto the ladder that is there, then jump over to the next upper area. Watch out for the rotating mechanism parts, though.Keep going down the path until you get back to the ladder, then climb up it to reach another ladder.

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