Saints Row 2 Homie

  1. Saints Row 2 Homie Died
  2. Saints Row 2 Homies Numbers

Thank you for printing this page from Remember to come back to check for more great content for Saints Row 2. All Phone Numbers cheats for Saints Row 2. 19 Comments Bookmark. Give you a homie named (zombie carlos) after u beat the brotherhood mission when carlos died. ID #38732 News Flash. Video Game / Saints Row 2. The Sons of Samedi (green), college kids and hippies led by Haitian voodoo witch doctors and ex-military men. They deal drugs, particularly the popular Loa Dust. The Ronin (gold), a presumably Yakuza faction led by the petty son of one of the Japanese leaders. Favor katanas, motorcycles and import tuners.

Before we start please note I do not know the limit on new homies.first you need to set up a modding enviorment.the first thing is to create a new folder. Name the folder what even you want, it doesn't matter. For the sake of the tutorial however, I will call it 'biomodsr2'. Next you will need to download gibbed tools for saints row 2 and extract them in the mod folder.

Saints Row 2 Homie Died

Now create three folders inside 'biomodsr2', named extracted, original, and modded. Next copy your patch.vpppc and common.vpppc files into original. Next create two folders inside extracted, one named patch and one named common. After that, extract the patch.vpppc into the patch folder and the common.vpppc into the common folder.

To do this use the extract package tool. Now inside both the common and patch folders, you will notice a huge amout of files. You should NEVER modify these files. Instead, copy the files you want to modify into your modded folder. To add new homies, you will need the homies.xtbl from your patch folder and the character.xtbl from your common folder. You WILL NOT be modifying character.xtbl, this is only for you want to open the homies.xtbl and copy an entry for a homie at the top of the screen. Your new entry should look something like this after you remove a few things.

DriveuphomieEntriescar2drluxury02100cell phonegroup - recruit denied attemptuimenucellhomgatSPGATmake sure you give all homies a name of driveuphomie! In the display name entry, put what you want your new homies' name to be. For this tutorial I will use the name 'Troll Face'. Your new entry should look like this.

Saints row 2 homies

Saints Row 2 Homies Numbers

All Phone NumbersServicesEmergency Services 911Airport 555-3597Big Willy's Cab (555)455-8008Bling Bling 555-4233Brown Baggers 555-3765Cocks 555-2626Euro's 555-4976Cycles 555-2453Foriegne Power 555-2046Forgive & Forget 555-4448Friendly Fire 555-4867Stillwater Giftshop 555-7577Image As Designed 555-8459Impressions 555-3248Leather & Lace 555-2662Legal Lee's Law Firm 555-9467On The Rag 555-5926On Thin Ice 555-2564Rim Jobs 555-3493Rusty's Needle 555-8287Eye For An Eye 555-2283T&A 555-9866Suicide Hotline 4876837Other Numbers That Will Unlock Later In The Game1).

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