Rimworld Organ Harvesting Mod

The long-persecuted and banned religious Falun Gong have been identified as key targets of China's live organ harvesting program in a documentary.' I took the liver and two kidneys. It took me 30 minutes,' he said.A former Chinese hospital worker and doctor's wife, whose identity was withheld, told Lee that her husband had removed the corneas of 2000 people while they were still alive. Afterwards the bodies were secretly incinerated.China has the second highest rate of transplants in the world, with startlingly short wait times for transplant recipients of just two to three weeks.But a recent Red Cross report found only 37 people nationwide were registered organ donors and harvesting organs from executed prisoners did not come close to accounting for the more than 10,000 transplant procedures performed every year. Human Rights Lawyer and nobel peace prize nominee David Matas told Lee that living political prisoners make up for the shortfall, with the long-persecuted and banned religious group, the Falun Gong, key targets.'

  1. Organ Harvesting Human Trafficking
  2. Organ Harvesting Videos
Rimworld organ harvesting mod 1

A mod for rimworld which provides a large range of new textures for flooring and a few other things. Requires WoodEconomy mod to play.


Somebody's being killed for the organs,' human rights lawyer David Matas says.' There's no other way to explain what's happening.'

Chinese officials have denied the allegations, claiming organ donors are volunteers. However, under China's president Xi Jinping, the government has vowed the program would we wound up by August this year, hanging the blame on former security chief Zhou Yongkang.But Matas and his colleagues are pushing for the perpetrators to stand before the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.

I know it’s been a few months since RimWorld was released. While version 1.0 was met with overwhelmingly positive reviews (at least according to Steam) after years in alpha and beta access, modders have run wild with adding their own personal touches to an already amazing game. Sure, the base game checks off all the boxes for a great survival strategy game:. Limited survivors and resources to start with – CHECK. Fending off the elements, rabid animals, and hostile humanoid inhabitants – CHECK.

Building a settlement that can not only provide shelter but project influence to the surrounding area – CHECK. Cannibalism and organ harvesting Needing to be resourceful and recycle whatever you can to survive – TRIPLE CHECKEven with all that, there’s plenty of modders that added even more survivalist realism with their own creations. This list of RimWorld mods is by no means exhaustive but this is a cross-section of my favorites that I’ve personally tested and enjoyed.

Some of the mods are geared more towards survivalism than others, but the whole collection just seems to make for a more immersive experience.To make things easy for you, I’ve included them in so you can just subscribe to them all at once (check back every so often since I’ll try my best to keep it updated over time). But if you’re like me and enjoy curating your own mods or want a brief synopsis of what each one does, read on!A note before you continue: the headers for each of the mods are links to the Steam workshop page so in case you’re wondering where to click wonder no longer. I’ve also listed the workshop pages for each of the modders where applicable in case you want to check out their other work I don’t mention here. INSTALL THESE FIRSTSo before we get into the good stuff, these two mods will make your life much easier — plus in some cases, HugsLib is required for other mods to run. Make sure to put these at the top of your load list in-game to avoid conflicts.Creator:As you could deduce by the name, the Mod Manager mod well manages your mods. Though RimWorld has its own mod list feature built-in, this mod makes it much easier to keep your mods organized by type, lets you create lists (maybe you like playing with multiple groups of mods that might not always play nicely together; now you can save multiple lists to swap out everything at once), and presents mod descriptions and workshop data in a clean, easy-to-read UI.

Not having Mod Manager isn’t going to cause other mods to break, but it’s sure handy when you have dozens of mods and you want to make sense of your lists.Creator:HugsLib is a library of shared functionality for other mods. In other words, it helps other mods play nicely with one another along with the base game. While not required of all the mods listed, it’s still a dependency for a good portion of them so make sure to download this one and set it to the top of your mod load list right after Core (that is, the base game). Quality of Life ModsThe following are some QoL mods that simply make your gameplay experience much smoother, whether it’s beefing up the AI or cleaning up the interface. Common SenseCreator:The name’s pretty straightforward: your pawns just act smarter and can prioritize tasks better. One major example (which you can see in the gif at left) is how pawns will collect all the crafting ingredients you need in one fell swoop (inventory capacity notwithstanding) rather than getting the first ingredient, drop it off, then the second, drop it off, etc.

Having more efficient pawns means you can get more done in less time — a welcome benefit in a world that’s just waiting to swallow your colony hole (especially if Randy Random is watching over it).Creator:In the name of efficiency, this mod marks any plants or trees in the way of new construction for cutting (before, you’d have to manually order pawns to cut them down).Creator:Rather than building walls line by line, you can drag walls into corners, making all the L-shapes you could ever want. This is super useful for lining conduits through walls or creating defensive positions in corner areas with sandbags. Dubs Mint MenusCreator:This mod makes a few menus more robust, chiefly crafting and health bills, selecting plants and customizing grow zones, and building objects.Creator:As a fan of The Sims franchise (and always curious about what my pawns are doing), the Interaction Bubbles mod makes it easier than ever to creep on your people. This is especially useful if you want more instant feedback for why certain pawns might be in a good or bad mood to help you mitigate any impending disaster or to take advantage of their elation.Creator:Research Pal turns your technology research menu into a Civilization-esque tree, complete with colors and previews of the objects you can build or plants you can grow after you discover the technology in question. Share The LoadCreator:This mod allows your pawns to deliver items to a construction site simultaneously instead of one pawn being assigned to move things to that site at a time. This drastically speeds up construction and keeps your pawns from being idle.Creator:Similar to the Common Sense mod, While You’re Up helps your pawns grab as much as they can and bring it back to the stockpile. In other words, if there’s a stack of wood next to a stack of freshly harvested corn and you tell your pawn to haul the wood, if there’s enough space in their inventory, they’ll grab as much corn as they can too since they know it’s all going back to base.Resource and Object ModsNot satisfied with the amount of vanilla objects?

These mods will pump those rookie numbers up, no problem.Creator:Want to build an indoor garden yet don’t have the components or technology for grow lamps? You can now create skylights to let that nourishing sunlight in and give your indoor plants some much-needed photosynthesis.Creator:If you’re looking for more creative ways to turtle up your base, More Vanilla Turrets adds eight more lore-friendly gun emplacements to choose from including mortars and automated vulcan cannons.

RimCuisineCreator:Not only do you get a ton of extra food options that actually look like food, but plenty of new crops that you can process into new items to use (such as drugs, medicine, and textiles) or just to sell. You can also preserve food by drying and salting it, pickling, or canning, depending on the resources available (you need steel for the cans) and if you’ve researched the requisite technology.Creator:Ever wanted to know what it feels like to take back the oil? Wonder no more as oil — along with all the means to process it into chemfuel, plastic, composites, and even napalm — is now a thing on the Rim!Creator:The Vegetable Garden Project (or VGP) is actually a collection of over a dozen mods that further expands on crops and goods you can process from them. Testing with RimCuisine, there doesn’t seem to be much conflict between the two though some assets might overwrite one another visually, depending on the load order.

At the time of writing, they still play nicely together and give you many more options to mix and match when cooking up something tasty or valuable. Survival and Realism Flavor ModsI’ve saved the best for last. These are some gameplay mods that favor hardcore survival and realism, adding some extra difficulty and depth to the game. These mods can make your RimWorld game harder and more complex, but while building a colony was never meant to be an easy undertaking, it makes you value the struggle even more.Creator: DylanJealous that animals can reproduce yet your pawns can’t? Well, now you don’t have to be since the same code has been added to your pawns, allowing for pregnancies and children who are a mix of both parents (you can even artificially inseminate as well as create birth control drugs for more direct manipulation of your population).

Organ Harvesting Human Trafficking

Though the children are born at age 15 (not the most realistic, I know, but the most feasible given the game’s current architecture), you can now teach them different skills in class until they’re 16. The higher the teacher’s intelligence, the more effective the classes and the more the students benefit.Creators: Nandonalt; Adapted for 1.0 by, TruE Captain StakyThis mod lets your pawns elect leaders, either the most skilled tradespeople or simply the ruler of your band of pawns. These leaders get stats boosts and can teach others to be better at those stats — a useful trait for helping your people further specialize after they’re too old to sit in school.Creator:If you’d prefer coming in super hot as opposed to gently touching down planetside like a delicate little daisy, Crash Landing is the mod for you. Your starting colonists will land ahead of the rest of the ship crashing down to the surface where it’s your job to then dodge the debris and grab what supplies and injured survivors you can. Depending on difficulty, your initial landing party can also be injured. If you decide on this option, remember triage: stabilize yourself before helping others lest you all bleed out.Creator:You can now set default positions when drafting pawns for combat.

Organ Harvesting Videos

This is super useful if you want to keep sentries posted in specific areas or want to streamline your defenses rather than having to manually re-select fighting positions every time you’re attacked. Dubs Bad HygieneCreator:Adds water and hygiene needs to the game. Finding clean water to bathe in and drink and figuring out ways to manage gray water and biological waste makes surviving on this strange and foreign planet even more daunting.Creator: KillfaceWhile the name of the mod is, indeed, Facial Stuff, the main reason I love this one is because it adds friggen hands and feet to your pawns. Now I could find a gif where I show this, but you need to try this one out for yourself and look how adorable your pawns are with their little feet. Oh, and it adds more facial features for you to choose from too.Creator:If you ever wanted to set up a bed and breakfast, look no further, fam. More importantly, you can barter with your guests, increase relations with their factions, and even attempt to recruit them to your colony (though at a penalty to their home faction, depending on their own relationship to the original group).

This gives you more options to grow your colony beyond taking prisoners and brainwashing them or just reproducing through Children, School, and Learning.Creator:This mod adds more trader variety to RimWorld, making caravans even more interesting. Aside from that, it also helps to ensure new items from mods show up in trade menus — though this isn’t true for all mods as there are some incompatibilities (but not with any on this list).Creator:Waste not, want not. MendAndRecycle lets you repair equipment that’s falling apart or just break it down and scrap it entirely so you can use the materials for something else.Creator:Beef up your pawns’ carrying capacity with custom-made backpacks.Creator:If you want your pawns to be ready for combat, before actual combat, this mod lets them train their fighting skills or just to blow off steam.Creator:This mod gets rid of “incapable” tasks and replaces them with “hated” ones. Now, pawns can do any work you assign them, but they’ll understandably get pretty upset when you force them to do things they really, really don’t want to do. Real RuinsCreator:If you survive the hellfire of Crash Landing, you’re now able to take shelter in procedurally generated ruins based on other players’ bases and colonies. The mod uploads snapshots of player bases every so often, adding to its database so that it might populate other players’ worlds. Maybe you’ll stumble upon a base that looks all too familiar from one of your colonies long ago.

Though given how many people play this game, while possible, you’d have to clock sooooo many hours for that.Creator:Need some more to do beyond struggling to survive? Instead of waiting for quests to pop up, now quest givers come to you. Talk to members of trade groups and caravans with the exclamation point, choose a quest, mount up, and hop to it.

RPG Style InventoryCreator:On the top of RPG elements, might as well slot in this mod that turns your pawns’ inventory screens into a proper RPG loadout.Creator:Kinda confused as to why your pawns have an endless supply of seeds to grow whatever they need? Which is why this mod does away with that gift of plenty, making you plant from what seeds you have.


Forage from wild plants, recycle from those you manage to grow, or buy from traders. Just make sure you don’t starve before winter.What are some of your favorite RimWorld mods? Let me know in the comments below! Start 2 Continue is a website and community dedicated to gamers who want to be the best, not just in their virtual lives, but their real ones as well.

While we celebrate video gaming culture and discuss games of all kinds, we want to take it one step further. Instead of just talking about how much better life is with our favorite games, we want to apply game theory to make life itself more enjoyable.Imagine a life where you no longer dread waking up to go to work doing something you hate or dealing with people who’ve become toxic and detrimental to your happiness over the years. Imagine being able to plan your quest and know the steps that it takes to get you there and having the courage to face any obstacle that stands in your way.Our goal isn’t just to entertain you but to teach you how to be the hero of your own story. Because as far as we know, we only get one life in a millennia-old game on this rock floating in space.

Wouldn’t you want to make the best of it?

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