Mists Of Pandaria Map

Overview of the BossesSalyis's Warband is a boss located in the Valley of the Four Winds.This encounter requires your raid group to deal with a large number of adds,as well as with the boss's very damaging (and often lethal) abilities.The Sha of Anger is a boss that spawns at one of a few set locations inthe Kun-Lai Summit. This boss will also spawn adds, and will also employmind-control mechanics against many of your raid members.Nalak, the Storm Lord, is located in the Isle of Thunder. The encounter ismostly about positioning and movement, relative to Nalak's location.Oondasta is located in the Isle of Giants.

It is a single-phase,single-target fight during which you will spend most of your time avoidingOondasta's cone attacks, and making sure to stay sufficiently spread out.Chi-Ji, Yu'lon, Niuzao, and Xuen are 4 bosses located in the Timeless Isle.These bosses drop primarily PvP gear, but killing all of them is required forcompleting the Mists of Pandaria legendary quest chain.

Hunting rares in Pandaria can be very rewarding. It provides gear, crafting materials, and fun vanity items. Plus it's a great way to make gold. There are five types of drops that can come from a rare champion in Pandaria as of patch 5.4:. Blue Item - Any rare in Pandaria is guaranteed to drop a rare (blue) piece of armor. Some may not be upgrades by the time you are able to defeat these creatures, but they can be good for building another spec. Lesser Charms of Good Fortune - These will always drop off of these rares, and are used to make Elder Charms of Good Fortune.


Invitation to Brawler's Guild - Has a chance to drop from any of these rares. This invitation will allow you to get into the very hard Brawler's Guild. Small Bag of Goods - This bag has a chance to drop, and it will contain various crafting goods and some gold. Rare Drop - Occasionally the rare may drop an item that only drops from that creature, for the most part. It can be more crafting materials, an epic (purple) item, vanity item, etc.This guide will go over the following:. How to defeat each rare. The rare item each creature drops.

Maps showing the location of each rare mob. Achievements for defeating rares. General tips in defeating rares. The Hozen are the monkeys of Warcraft.

Their attacks will be melee in nature, with their strongest ability involves jumping around in an attempt to hit the player.The following are the three abilities the Hozen will use:. Bananarang - Just like it sounds, the Hozen throws a boomerang in the shape of a banana out in front of itself. After a short trip, it will return to him and spin for a bit. Side-step it to avoid its heavy damage. Wait for it to return before stepping in the same spot again.

Sort, search and filter Areas in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. A World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Map shows the new continent of Pandaria. Click on the gallery to see a larger version of the map released by Blizzard. Pandaria is a legendary place of bambus forests citation needed and the mysterious pandaren of the Pandaren Empire located in the southern oceans of Azeroth, somewhat mirroring Northrend in location. Shrouded in fog by Shaohao using Sheilun, Staff of the Mists since the world was sundered more than ten thousand years ago, the ancient realm of Pandaria has remained unspoiled by war.

Toss Filth - A stackable debuff that causes damage against the player to be increased. Very dangerous if other mobs are around or hit with one of the Hozen's other abilities.

Going Bananas - The Hozen will jump around wildly, inflicting damage if it hits. Two hits will typically kill a player. Just stick close to where the monkey was when this ability starts and avoid when necessary. A damage reduction buff can help mitigate the damage.General strategy - When the fight with the Hozen first starts, it will use the abilities of Bananarang and Toss Filth alternately, so deal as much damage as possible during that part of the fight. Once Going Bananas starts, stay put and heal through any damage received. Ranged can do some damage during this phase as well.

The Jinyu are known for their water attacks. One of their strongest attacks involves hurling balls of water in a large area around it.The following are the three abilities the Jinyu will use:. Water Bolt - Basic attack of the Jinyu. Can be interrupted, but shouldn't since that interrupt will be used for another ability. Will cast this about 1-2 times before casting another one of its other abilities.

Torrent - A channeled spell that must be interrupted. Failure to do so will result in a quick death. Rain Dance - Another channeled spell. The Jinyu will throw out globs of water in the surrounding area, which must be avoided.

Two hits with these globs will kill a player, but a stun can disrupt the cast.General strategy - While it's casting Water Bolt, unload as much possible on the target. Interrupt Torrent when it comes up. Once Rain Dance finishes its effect, quickly heal up and unload on the target again while it casts Water Bolt. Since Rain Dance hits a large area, clearing the surrounding area of other mobs might help avoid adds during the fight. These insects are probably the most annoying of all of the rares.

There are usually other lesser mantids around that have to be dealt with, and one of their abilities covers a large area.The following are the three abilities the Mantid will use:. Blade Flurry - The mob will attack in a cone in front of itself.

Side-stepping or stunning the creature is the best way to avoid this. A couple hits will kill a player.

Tornado - Will produce tornadoes that swirl around the area. If a player is hit with a couple of these, that player will die. A maximum of three are usually out, which covers a large area. Windsong - A buff that will increase the physical damage that this insect puts out.

This should be interrupted when possible.General strategy - Blade Flurry will be the first ability cast, but after that the rotation can be random. Move away from the tornado and side-step the Blade Flurry as it comes up. Mobs in the area should be cleared before fighting Mantid rares, but expect to pull some during the fight. Don't back into a corner leaving no room for escape. The magically inclined Mogu tend to be the easiest of all the rare mobs to kill. Their strongest attack is weak compared to all of the other rares.The following are the three abilities the Mogu Sorcerer will use:. Dark Bolt - The Mogu will cast a bolt from its wand onto the player.

It's basic attack which can be just taken for damage. Shadow Bolt - Does more damage than the Dark Bolt, but still isn't too much of a threat. This can be interrupted so the damage can be prevented. Voidcloud - Casts an area of effect on the ground that inflicts damage to the player standing inside of it. This spell is the strongest this Mogu will cast, but is still relatively weak. Just walk out of it to avoid the damage.

A max of three of these will be out at a time.General strategy - It will alternate between Dark Bolt and Shadow Bolt for awhile, during which the player can do as much damage as possible. When Voidcloud is cast, move out of it, but only to the edge.

With the next one is cast, it will overlap with the first, saving some room while fighting the Mogu. These Mogu are the warriors and can do some hefty physical damage.

Mists Of Pandaria Dungeons

Their strongest attack covers a huge area, but can be avoided.The following are the three abilities the Mogu Warrior will use:. Devastating Arc - This is a large sweeping arc attack in front of the creature. Just run behind the Mogu to avoid it. Be warned, on rocky terrain the arc won't be visibly seen. A couple hits can kill a player, but they are spaced out far enough so the player can heal between arcs. Titanic Strength - A stacking buff that increases the damage a Mogu Warrior can do.

Mist Of Pandaria Capital City Map

This can be a hard hit if coupled with Devastating Arc. Summon Quilen - The Mogu summons a pet to fight with it. The damage is minimal, so it can be mostly ignored or crowd-controlled.General strategy - Focus on doing damage the entire time except when Devastating Arc is being cast. Once that attack is complete, heal up if necessary and focus on doing damage again.

The mob shouldn't need to be moved much if the player goes behind the Mogu each time Devastating Arc is being cast. The Pandaren are one of the few fights that can require a lot of movement by the player. They can be easy if done correctly.

One of their strongest attacks can be avoided almost entirely.The following are the three abilities the Pandaren will use:. Spinning Crane Kick - The Pandaren will spin around and follow the player during the spin.

A couple hits inside of this will kill a player, so running away the moment the ability is cast is best. Chi Burst - This non-interuptable attack will almost instantly kill a player. It will only be cast at range, so don't run too far away from the Spinning Crane Kick. Healing Mists - This will heal a good chuck of life to the Pandaren.

This should be interrupted right away, otherwise it will cause the fight to drag on longer.General strategy - Don't blow cooldowns until after the first Spinning Crane Kick. Run away, just out of range of the kick, then move back in and blow cooldowns to do massive damage. Interrupt Healing Mists as necessary. Having a metagem or enchant that increases run speed will help on this fight. One of the more dangerous creatures are the Saurok, and is the only rare to ever one-shot my character. They only have one attack that can cause a player to lose a lot of health, and the rest of the abilities resemble a rogue.The following are the four abilities the Saurok will use:.

Vicious Rend - A damage over time effect that stacks, causing the player to have to fight quickly before it does too much damage. Vanish - The Saurok vanishes into the shadows for a few seconds. It can give the player a chance to heal, but, it allows the Saurok to use it's strongest ability. Smoked Blade - If allowed to vanish, after the rare re-appears, it will hit the player with this devastating attack. Grappling Hook - Pulls those players at a distance towards the Saurok, forcing melee combat with the creature.General strategy - Those at ranged might as well get close, unless a pet can hold aggro. Unload on the Saurok after the first vanish.

Map Of Pandaria Wow

If the Saurok is hit before Vanish, then Smoked Blade won't hit. However, if the Saurok isn't hit, heal up and use a damage reduction cooldown to take the hit that is about to come, then heal afterwards. The lumbering Yaungol is one of the slowest rares to fight, but does have a speed boost. Coupled with one of its other abilities, it can be deadly for a player not prepared for its hard hitting blows.The following are the three abilities the Yaungol will use:. Yaungol Stomp - A high damaging attack that just hits around the Yaungol itself.

Just move out of it's range to avoid the damage. Rushing Charge - If the player moves too far away from the rare, then it will come charging, doing a lot of damage and knocking the player down. Bellowing Rage - Does increased damage against the player, but moves at a slower rate. Can either move away from the Yaungol or take the hits by using an ability to reduce the damage received.General strategy - For the most part there won't be much movement involved. The player will want to move away when Yaungol Stomp is coming.

Otherwise, stay in its face and either heal through or use damage reduction cooldowns while Bellowing Rage is active. It's usually not too much of a threat. Below are a few general tips I try to live by when I am going rare hunting in Pandaria:. If a spot is camped by someone from your faction, let them have the spot. Even though the rares are free-for-all, if you see someone from your own faction camping the spot, let them have it.

It's only fair if they have been waiting there a long time. However, there are some exceptions to this. If it's the opposing faction camping the spot, there is nothing saying you can't take it from them!. Team up with other players. If you see someone camping a spot, you can always ask to group up with them. In turn, you should allow players to group up with you to give everyone an equal chance of obtaining the item they want from the rare.

Also, the level of the rare depends on the zone you are in. So teaming up may be the only way for you to defeat one until you have gear that will allow you to solo it, which may require raiding or buying gear. Be aware of the re-spawn times.

In most cases, the rares respawn within an hour. However, this timer doesn't start until their corpse disappears, so it could be more than an hour before you see the rare re-spawn. If you want to camp a rare, plan ahead accordingly so you make it back before it spawns again. Develop a pattern. Once you learn where all of the rares spawn, follow the same pattern so you can quickly go through each zone quickly.

This will allow you to kill as many rares as possible, without wasting too much time searching for rares. If you go rare hunting when there aren't many players on, that will give you even more opportunities to kill some rares. Don't expect to get the item you want right away.

I killed one rare over 20 times to get the item I wanted, while I've killed other rares just once to get the item they drop. So be in it for the long haul, as Blizzard random makes you take your time to get the item you want. Try to find the slow times on the server to camp the rares throughout Pandaria.

With the addition of the Timeless Isle and other expansions, it should be a bit easier to go rare hunting. The Timeless Isle has added a lot of rares. A lot of those rares also drop items that can be available in the mainland of Pandaria, so that just increases your chances of getting an item you may be looking for.Otherwise, have fun fighting all of the rare creatures throughout Pandaria! For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam.

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