Highrise Modern Warfare 2

  1. Highrise Modern Warfare 2 Remastered
  2. Highrise Modern Warfare 2

Here are all the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer maps. Click on the 'More information' link for a better view of the map. There are two downloadable map packs released for Modern Warfare 2. The first map pack, Stimulus Package, contains five new maps, of which two are COD4 remakes.

. 'High Rise': Sniper positionLook from the center of the map at the cranes, then to the left side of the map. Go that side's back left corner. You will see broken scaffolding.

Sprint from before the ledge and jump to the left outside yellow railing. Note: The railing is vertical. This is a hidden ladder. Climb up this railing/ladder to the top of the scaffolding.

Walk to the right of the scaffolding along the ledge of the building. You will eventually reach another scaffolding. Climb onto this scaffolding. Walk to the top. Look towards the building and climb onto the higher ledge.

Follow that ledge going left. Keep going forward and you will reach the roof. This is a great sniper position. You may want to bring a Tactical Insertion because other players may discover you on your way to the top, or while you are up there, and lob grenades.to main page of.

Highrise Modern Warfare 2 Remastered

GameTeamsvs.vs.LocationNew York City,TerrainConstruction site surrounded with large office buildingsModesAllType of CombatClose to medium range combat, Minor long range combat (Crane and roof of South Building)Console Codename (PC)mphighriseCampaign MapElements of ' Rooftop skyscraper. Hectic games.' — In-game descriptionHighrise is a medium-sized multiplayer map in and.OverviewHighrise is set atop a nearly constructed skyscraper with two office buildings on opposite sides of the map.

Last sacrifice vampire academy pdf. Dimitri takes Rose out of Court and they drive for hours until they reach Sydney, who is also aiding in the escape.They continue traveling until reaching West Virginia, where Rose discovers she is to be kept in a motel until her friends back at Court can clear her name. At the same time, she is faced with the challenge of somehow locating Princess Vasilisa Dragomir's lone remaining relative, her secretly existing illegitimate sibling. The novel begins with Rose in her prison cell contemplating the charges brought against her and occasionally using the bond to slip into Lissa's mind to view goings-on at Court. Last SacrificeFor safety, Sydney takes them to the Keepers, a strange group of Moroi, dhampirs, and humans.


The center of the map is occupiedby an elevated helipad, which many players will try to use to their advantage. Most of the combat on the ground is short to medium range with the construction equipment and in the office buildings. Shotguns and submachine guns are excellent for these offices, but assault rifles are ideal for the sometimes medium-long range combat that occurs in the more open areas. The map is also suitable for sniping, with several vantage points that look over most of, or nearly all of, the map. Highrise is one of the fan-favorite maps of Modern Warfare 2.A unique feature of this map is its multi-tiered construction; both offices can be accessed by a tunnel underneath, which leads upstairs at various points in between. Near the cranes, there is an elevator shaft with a ladder; behind it is a climbable ledge players can hide behind. Players can access the roof on the south block, and see almost the entire map, although after a few kills these players can easily be taken out and the journey to the roof needs a skillful player that can run and make quick turns on the ledge, while avoiding getting shot.

For this reason, a is recommended for doing this. Players can climb to the top of the crane at the west side of the map, giving a similar view on the map, and become harder to spot.From that crane, there is access to the ledge above the north tower's office - a Tactical Insertion is also useful here. To get to the North tower, players must climb on to a crane, walk across to the north building, then climb onto one of several window-cleaning platforms and walk across the ledge. There will be a window where players can crouch under it, there will be a choice if the player wants to go onto the platform (smashing the window) or stay on the ledge.This map is one of the best places to get the attachment, as there are many good places to kill enemies through cover with, for example the windows, and office furniture.Videos. Gameplay in the cut game mode.Trivia. On top of the southern tower, there is a group of teddy bears with stars on their chests.

A teddy can also be found on the light fixtures on the north building. When on the yellow long catwalks, the player can see that the giant letters on the edge of the level spell out 'Kriegler' (Lead Artist), a fictional shipping company referenced several times in Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2. On the building with the on it where the concrete block is on the side where it says WKM in the lower left hand corner there's a name that says ' 2009'. This is an easter-egg dedicated to the map designer of the same name who developed this particular multiplayer map. In the elevators, the same IW sign can be seen scratched into the wood, just as in '.'

Highrise Modern Warfare 2

Highrise modern warfare 2 backwards compatible xboxHighrise modern warfare 2 remastered

. There is a mark that looks like a teddy bear on the left building near the R of the 'Kriegler' sign. The phones have the letters CoD4 on them.

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