Auto Close Tabs Chrome

Greetings all!I have been looking round for a way to close just a single specific tab in a browser. When in FF or IE or Chrome you can do ctrl+W and it will close just the active tab, but when i put ^w in a script which has found the tab it closes the entire browser instead (in any of those browsers).i actually want to do this as a workaround for the real problem. I'll be happy if i can get the workaround, but if i describe the real problem someone might be able to help there too.I am writing a script for my colleagues to send a selected word or phrase to a search tool we've developed in house.

Recently, I came across an annoying situation with Google Chrome browser. Whenever I click anywhere in the website opened in chrome, a new tab opens automatically and leads to a spam site. Sometimes it shows an advertisement pop-up randomly on the screen. When I close the tab and use the browser, again a new tab redirects me to an advertisement.

Although when the tool is loaded the cursor is supposed to be in the search field, if it is already open at the moment the search is requested there is no guarantee the cursor will still be there. (That's why i thought i'd close the tab and reload the site).is there a way of directing the mouse to click in the search box, given that there is no telling how big the window will be on any given user's screen so there are no absolute coordinates? Is there some point of reference in a web page that i can use to give relative coordinates? Or is there a way of passing the 'address' of the search box to an ahk script?

Auto Close Tabs Chrome

Is the site's source code of any use here (meaning does it contain anything that might help me)?any help much appreciated!regardsNigel. Thanks, but the search box doesn't have an address like this. It's a field set up in the page source and i don't know how i would specify it to direct the mouse to click there or send the text directly there. You don't understand I'm afraid.If you run your application does the address in the location bar of your browser change? For example you search for 'word' and it starts with:

Google Chrome Close All Tabs

You don't understand I'm afraid.If you run your application does the address in the location bar of your browser change? For example you search for 'word' and it starts with:

Chrome Force Tab Close

  • You will have the option to reload said tab and work will continue without a hitch. On the rare occasion when this doesn’t happen and closing the tab doesn’t work either (the tab refuses to close), you have to wait for Chrome to realize there is a problem or you have to close Chrome. The much easier and less drastic measure is to close the tab.
  • So if you want to learn how, just feel free to read on. How to automatically close inactive tabs in Chrome On your Chrome web browser, go to the Web Store then download and install the extension called 'Tab Wrangler'. After installing the extension, it will automatically place its shortcut icon to your browser's omnibar.

Look at google before/after a search in the browser location bar (the URL)Thanks for the suggestion. It would be great if we could do that, but in our case neither the search term nor the result affects the location or address.

It's a database set up with MySQL, if that helps to explain the issue better.forgive me if i don't set it out terribly well. I know quite a lot but just not quite enough so there are technical points i don't understand.regardsNigel.

Thanks for the suggestion. It would be great if we could do that, but in our case neither the search term nor the result affects. If it is developed in-house you could ask the developers to change from get to post method for the form (your devs should know) or the other way around (can never remember) to support it.yes i could ask her. It's an idea to look at. But i can't understand why ^w shouldn't work. Is it case-sensitive? Several people have said it works for them.

Maybe it's my code.regardsN.

Normally Google Chrome is very good at allowing you to close misbehaving tabs. Each tab is like its own little universe so if it crashes it doesn't affect other tabs. That's the whole 'multi process' thing that Chrome brought to the WebKit party and was part of the reason for the Blink break-up.But let's say there is a tab that just won't close.

You click the closing ✕ and nothing happens. Try using ⌘W to close it, nothing. File Close Tab, nothing.It happens to me maybe once a week as I'm browsing around different Pens on CodePen. Perhaps there is an infinite-loop in the JS or some other madness and the tab just won't crash, it just hangs.You can get that tab closed by using the Task Manager. Window Task ManagerFind the tab in the list.

They are listed by so hopefully you either recognize it or can drag the window wide enough to see the name in the tab itself. Then click the End Process button in the lower right.

Close Tabs On Computer


That'll close that tab no matter how stubborn it's being (in my experience).

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