Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Character Sheet


The Classic World of Darkness (CWoD) Vampire the Masquerade 5th edition character sheet was created as part of The Grand Coterie, a group whose aim is to help provide content and tools for the World of Darkness (WoD) community. In particular the developers of this sheet were FistOFun, TGC and Obi. THE MASQUERADE 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION. The Masquerade 20th Aniversary Character Sheet Author: Character Sheet layout by MrGone Subject: Vampire: The Masquerade. The Masquerade is the code of secrecy that hides vampire existence from humankind. Violations of the Masquerade will lead to ambush attacks from human vampire hunters, and scorn, contempt or worse from your fellow Kindred. If you lose all Masquerade points, you will lose the game. Humanity Main article: Humanity.


VTMB: Camarilla Edition is an Expansion Overhaul that completely changes the game mechanics andhow we approach the game of Bloodlines. After playing through Bloodlines over 10 times the replayvalue has decreased, and we started thinking of ways to improve the game to make it much more realistic.I have long since been a fan of Bethesda's Open Ended Sandbox games so that is the feel I wanted tobring to Bloodlines.One of the biggest problems with Bloodlines is that you never get the sense of BEING a Vampire.

I meanyou have powers and you drink blood, but only to fuel those powers most of which are extremely shortlived. Not only that but I have never dropped below a humanity of 10 because I was never in danger ofgoing hungry. So what we did was completely overhaul how everything from Feeding and Regeneration,to Bloodpool and Disciplines work, giving you a completely new experience to Bloodlines unlike anythingyou've played in the past.

Contents Feats Combat. Unarmed: Measures your character's ability to do damage in unarmed combat, and Feed on the unwilling. The Strength attribute and the Brawl ability both contribute to the Unarmed Combat Feat. Melee: Measures your character's ability to damage with melee weapons such as knives and clubs. The Strength attribute and the Melee ability both contribute to the Melee Combat Feat. Ranged: Measures your accuracy and damage with firearms of all kinds.

The Perception attribute and the Firearms ability both contribute to the Ranged Combat Feat. Defense: Defense doesn't reduce the damage you take, it rather makes it easier for you to evade attacks.Mental.

Lockpicking: Measures your character's skill at breaking into places you're not supposed to be. The Dexterity attribute and the Security ability both contribute to the Lockpicking Feat. Sneaking: Measures your character's ability to avoid detection. The Dexterity attribute and the Stealth ability both contribute to the Sneaking Feat. Hacking: This feat is rather important, you'll find many computers in the game and you'll need a high Hacking feat in order to gain access to them. Inspection: Measures your character's ability to notice hidden details. The Perception attribute and the Investigation ability both contribute to the Inspection Feat.

Research: Measures your character's ability to read books, and learn new abilities. The Intelligence attribute and the Scholarship ability both contribute to the Research Feat.Social.

Haggle: Measures your character's ability to estimate the value of goods, and haggle for better prices. The Manipulation attribute and the Finance ability both contribute to the Haggle feat. Intimidate: Measures your character's ability to instill fear in others and force their cooperation.

The Intelligence attribute and the Intimidation ability both contribute to the Intimidate Feat. Persuasion: Measures your character's ability to convince people that they want what you want. The Charisma attribute and the Scholarship ability both contribute to the Persuasion Feat. Seduction: Measures your character's ability to titillate others into helping you. The Appearance attribute and the Subterfuge ability both contribute to the Seduction Feat.Physical. Bashing: Your ability to shrug off damage from bullets and blunt melee weapons.

Stamina, as well as clothing and body armor contribute to Bashing soak. Lethal: Your ability to shrug off damage from bladed melee weapons. While vampires may defend against lethal damage with their Defense feat, they are nearly helpless once the blow is landed. Clothing and body armor add to your Lethal soak feat. Aggravated: Helps against attacks from fire and electricity. You are defenseless as a vampire against aggravated damage and there is only one item in the game that will increase your defense against it.

Apart from that, only and (Blood Shield) can help.Attributes Physical. Stamina: Your character's overall toughness. Prevents damage from bullets, police batons, and baseball bats. Adds +1 to soak bashing. Strength: Strength is a measure of your character's physical prowess.

It is crucial for both the Unarmed and Melee Combat Feats. Adds +1 to unarmed and melee. Dexterity: Determines the speed and agility of your character. Dexterity will increase your Lockpicking and Sneaking feats. Adds +1 to stealth and lockpicking.Social. Charisma: Measures your character's ability to sway others through personality.

Charisma is an important part of the Persuasion feat. Adds +1 to persuasion. Manipulation: Measures your character's ability to exploit people and events. Manipulation is necessary for the Haggle feat. Adds +1 to haggle.

Appearance: Indicates the physical attractiveness of your character/ Appearance is the foundation of the Seduction feat. Adds +1 to seduction. Highly recommended for female characters.Mental. Perception: Measures your character's awareness of their surroundings.

Perception is necessary for the Ranged Combat and Inspection Feats. +1 to ranged and inspection.

Intelligence: Indicates your character's ability to learn, think, and remember. Intelligence is essential for the Research and Intimidate feats. Adds +1 to research and intimidate. Wits: Measures the sharpness of your character's mind, and ability to think on their feet. Adds +1 to defense and hacking.Abilities Talents. Dodge: Determines your character's ability to avoid taking damage in all forms of combat.

Adds +1 to defense. Intimidation: Measures your character's ability to instill fear, and force cooperation in others.

Adds +1 to intimidate. Subterfuge: Measures your character's ability to conceal their motives, and deceive others. Subterfuge is needed for the Feat of Seduction. Brawl: The ability to fight bare-handed. Brawl is important for the Unarmed Combat Feat, which also makes it easier to feed on the unwilling. Adds +1 to unarmed.Skills.

Melee: Your character's ability to fight in close combat with handheld weapons such as knives and swords. Microsoft app store not working windows 8.1. Adds +1 to melee. Security: Displays your character's knowledge of how locks and security systems work. Security is needed for the Lockpicking Feat.

Adds +1 to lockpicking. Stealth: Measures your character's ability to move silently and avoid being detected. Stealth is a crucial component of the Sneaking Feat. Adds +1 to sneaking. Firearms: Determines how well your character aims and causes damage with guns of all types.

Firearms is an indispensable part of the Ranged Combat feat. Adds +1 to ranged.Knowledges. Computer: Indicates your character's ability to operate computers and other devices. Computer knowledge is needed for the Hacking feat. Adds +1 to hacking.

Finance: Your character's ability to evaluate the market value of items. Finance is needed for the Haggle Feat.

Adds +1 to haggle. Investigation: Measures your character's ability to notice minute or hidden details.

Adds +1 to inspection. Scholarship: Your character's ability to gather information, debate, and learn new skills. Adds +1 to research and persuasion.Disciplines Main article:Each clan has access to only 3 Disciplines. They are very powerful and expensive to improve. They all cost blood to activate.

Some may break the Masquerade if seen by humans.Masquerade Main article:The Masquerade is the code of secrecy that hides vampire existence from humankind. Violations of the Masquerade will lead to ambush attacks from human vampire hunters, and scorn, contempt or worse from your fellow Kindred. If you lose all Masquerade points, you will lose the game.Humanity Main article:Humanity is a representation of how far a vampire is from the Beast within themselves. When the Player's Humanity is at zero, they go into a frenzy and attack anyone or anything in their way. Humanity can be Increased and decreased depending on the Player's actions, or spending experience points.HistoriesSome patches/mods will change the list of histories on offer, as a result the below may not be a full list of what you will see in-game.True Brujah. So you're a little boy-crazy.

And maybe you like to get guys' attention. And maybe you like to fool around.

That don't mean people have the right to go talking about you and calling you names – they don't know you! In undeath your now-stunted sexual appetite has reemerged in a curious way; you more readily digest the fluids of the opposite sex, and therefore gain extra blood when feeding on men.

Unfortunately, having slept your way through life, you have a hard time learning its little lessons. You must spend more experience to raise your Mental Attributes. So you're a little boy-crazy. And maybe you like to get guys' attention.

And maybe you like to fool around. That don't mean people have the right to go talking about you and calling you names – they don't know you! In undeath your now-stunted sexual appetite has reemerged in a curious way; you more readily digest the fluids of the opposite sex, and therefore gain extra blood when feeding on men. Unfortunately, having slept your way through life, you have a hard time learning its little lessons.

You must spend more experience to raise your Mental Attributes. There are fates worse than death. You know this. In life, you were an object of desire.

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines wiki

Vampire The Masquerade Clans

Men wanted you, women wanted to be like you. You have been transformed into a cruel mockery of your former self. As someone acutely aware of how easy life is for the beautiful people, you have unique insight into the psychology of human and vampire alike. You start with one point in Subterfuge. Your intense desire to do nothing more than hide (forever) has given your Obfuscation powers a longer duration.

Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Character Mods

You were never much of an animal lover, however, and it will cost you more experience to raise your Animalism discipline.

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